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2x or 6mm lens


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I've recently bought a skywatcher 150 Dob and want to add a new lens

Do I go for the 8 or 6mm ed or get a 2x Barlow which would double the kit it came with, money as always is an issue so I can only get one or the other, the scope came with a 25&10mm which I'm enjoying using but wanted a bit more for planatary and feel that the 10 on 2x may be a bit difficult to use as its an f8??

Hope I don't sound like an idiot but I've read a lot about lenses and have got a bit confused.

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Been looking at 2 plossi and 1 is a vixen npl and the other is a series 5000, beings there are loads of plossi out there which of the 2 would be best or should I avoid both. Both 15mm

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I was thinking of a similar question

im upgrading the eyepieces that came with my scope and have picked up a 20mm plossl and a 2x barlow

and was wondering does a barlow lens affect image quality?

im looking to add 1 at the higher end for the moon and jupiter so

am i better off getting a 6.5mm or a 15mm and using the barlow


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Been looking at 2 plossi and 1 is a vixen npl and the other is a series 5000, beings there are loads of plossi out there which of the 2 would be best or should I avoid both. Both 15mm

If by 5000 series you mean Meade 5000 series yes they are excellent EP's. The Vixen plossls I do not have experience of but they seem much liked by other users of this forum.

Alternatively the Baader Classic Ortho EP's have ahd a favourable review by John and retail within your budget.

On the subject of barlow lenses, Id take care in your choice. A good barlow is a very useful peice of kit for your scope (but can be expensive) a bad barlow is useful only as a doorstop. I'm not much clued in on barlows but someone on here may be able to help point you at a good barlow that doesn't break the bank. :grin:

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Speaking as a beginner here so clearly I don't know what I am talking about.

However I have just got a Skywatcher 200 and I picked up a Barlow lens for a tenner on Amazon.

It makes a big difference with the 2 eps that came with the scope, though as you say using it with the 10mm seems a bit tricky to the inexperienced like me.

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Speaking as a beginner here so clearly I don't know what I am talking about.

However I have just got a Skywatcher 200 and I picked up a Barlow lens for a tenner on Amazon.

It makes a big difference with the 2 eps that came with the scope, though as you say using it with the 10mm seems a bit tricky to the inexperienced like me.

Unfortunately the SW stock plossl that is given away with their scopes has something ofa patchy reputation. Many people (myself included) have found them rather poor performers. If you get yourself a decent quality 10mm ep to replace it with you will probably find that the difficulties you are experiencing vanish. It's likely that the trickiness is down to the lens quality rather than anything you are doing wrong.

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Unfortunately the SW stock plossl that is given away with their scopes has something ofa patchy reputation. Many people (myself included) have found them rather poor performers. If you get yourself a decent quality 10mm ep to replace it with you will probably find that the difficulties you are experiencing vanish. It's likely that the trickiness is down to the lens quality rather than anything you are doing wrong.

Rob. Thanks for that. I will have a look in my wallet. Care to recommend a good quality 10 mm ep?
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I know this might not be the most popular opinion but I took a risk on a Seben 20mm pl and was very happy with it

I'm new so don't know any better but it is crisp and clear and feels well made

I know I will upgrade later but for now it does its job

Plus it arrived really fast considering it was from germany

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Rob. Thanks for that. I will have a look in my wallet. Care to recommend a good quality 10 mm ep?

Vixen NPL 10mm - £35

BST Explorers - around £50

Baader Classic Ortho 10mm - £49 (Fab little EP)

Celestron X-cel LX 9mm £69

Televue Plossl 11mm £78

Meade HD-60 LE £86

Of all of the above the Baader Classic Ortho is probably the best performer for the money but the overall top quality EP would probably be the Televue offering.

There are some that I can't remember off the top of my head (I'm sure other people will post suggestions) and also lots more to choose from with wider FOV and more glass elements and correspondingly higher prices. It all depends on how much you want to spend.

If you have up to £50 to spend I'd go for the BCO. If it's up to £100 then the TV plossl. If it is more than £100 then there is a large selection of top quality EP's to drool over :grin:

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I'm looking at getting the 15mm BST this month and saving for a decent 2x Barlow at a later date

These BST EPs seem to be the way forward everybody seems to rave about them and I hear the 15mm was the best. Now it's the 2x Barlow I have to look into?? I'm looking at about the same cost as the BST?

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A really good quality barlow does not affect image quality - the best ones just add the magnification and nothing else. That sort of performance does generally come at a cost though.

What barlows are actually good, i've never seen a solid answer to this? Maybe not perfect, but only affect the image a tiny amount if any?

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  • 2 weeks later...


Thanks for taking the trouble to reply. Sorry for my slowness in acknowledging it. Got a little baby gio on the way shortly so a bit preoccupied.

I would probably want to restrict myself to under £50 at this very early stage for me. I will look at the ones you listed. And I see that there are threads dedicated to this type of query.

Thanks for the help.


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