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Gerd Neumann flatfield panel in DIY lightbox


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Having read that the best flats are taken without changing the focus and without moving the setup in case dust migrates, I found it difficult to work out how to use my Gerd Neumann panel on my 80ED without moving the scope to vertical (otherwise it falls off), doing flats for a particular filter, then going back to my target for a different filter. Looking at several posts here and elsewhere on various lightboxes, I was then inspired by a device using lots of gaffer tape and foamboard (http://www.dl-digita...pment-Other.htm) to spend a rainy day making something up. I found a couple of smallish (30x22cm) pieces of 2cm thick packaging foam. No photos of the work in progress, sorry, just the completed item below. I cut a circular hole in each - easier to do separately with a craft knife - to fit over the end of the ED80. Then fix the two sheets together with packaging tape, next tape inside the hole with insulating tape to stop any bits falling off, and keep it dry. Next I taped the panel to the foam, and wrapped the whole thing up in parcel tape. Used it outside last week, did the job nicely, and without affecting the target alignment.


Box fitted nicely into a spare flight case, any resemblance to a bomb is purely unintentional.



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