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Saturn 06/02 - Firefly MV Mono


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Certainly not the greatest shot, but I managed to get out around 0615hrs despite the kids. Excellent visual view of Saturn @ 125x and could clearly make out the cassini divison and banding, though no sign of any of the moons. There were thin lines of high altitude cloud forming, which limited seeing and in my rush I forgot to remove the red filter from the camera nosepiece so had to use a lot more gain. Lots of excuses, but I got out and saw Saturn for the very first time and managed to grab 15,000 grainy frames.



Fair to say there's plenty of room for improvement, but very happy with a first outing on this and will do it again in hopefully less rushed and darker conditions.

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fair play buddy!!!! i know its not an easy task with the kids mate lol for a 1st attempt you realllly are showing some skills buddy!! lovely bloooming image as saturn is not the easiest to image!!

Infact this is fantastic!!! this was my 1st attempt and only attempt so far at saturn last year (i was veryyy new lol) and cant wait to try at it again this year

dont take the mick mwahahaha :D


saturn free hand1 by tingting44, on Flickr


saturn by tingting44, on Flickr

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Cheers Martin, I bet you'll trounce those at the next chance and to be fair I think we've both got some room for improvement :p Though I reckon you should be able to get a better image on Saturn with the SPC than I will with the firefly, but probably going to need 3x-4x barlow and good seeing for optimal results.

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Thanks Martin, Michael & Matt - good to get some nice feedback on this.

I've just done a restack and some post processing in GIMP (first go with this as well) - but think this is about as far as I can get with this data:


Hope to get some more capture as soon as the weather allows!

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