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A little help please

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On my scope on the dust cap there are 2 caps 1 is fixed the other comes out and there is a hole can anyone tell me what this is for I've searched my literature ,been on the web but found nothing


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HI There,

These are usually there to effectively 'stop' down or reduce the apperture of your acope when looking at bright objects eg. the moon where you do not need full apperture. You can also cover these with solar film to allow for observation of the sun. Should you choose to observe the sun please be fully safe!...


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Bear in mind that if you use it to cut down the brightness of the moon, you will also lose resolution as you are effectively using a much smaller scope. If the moon is too bright then I would recommend a moon filter.


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Bear in mind that if you use it to cut down the brightness of the moon, you will also lose resolution as you are effectively using a much smaller scope. If the moon is too bright then I would recommend a moon filter.


Lacking a moon filter sunglasses can be put to use. (Best not to let the neighbours see you with sunglasses on at midnight.)

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