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IDAS LPS in lieue of L in LRGB imaging?

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  • 7 years later...

Adding something to this post even if very old. I found weirdly similar information around, for some reason when people ask about using a LPS instead of L, talks start revolving around using a LPS in front of the filters wheel, that doesn't make much sense (and is not really what OP asked).

Using LPS in front of filter wheel not only creates problems with narrow and it's not practical, but is also not recommended as you would have differential filtering depending on the coloured filters. And as long as you have a good L you don't need any LPS in front of coloured filters.

Instead what I found making a big difference, even from my Bortle 4/5 sky, is using a LPS filter in place of L. That doesn't affect colours, and also if there are bands cut in galaxies, it doesn't matter as long as you expose longer (and that's what you want/need). Result will be you actually get MORE of everything, less SNR, dramatically dropped sky glow that will compensate for any data loss for the notches. You also gain in stars roundness.

Personally speaking I use a D1 in place of L, ASI1600, and it makes a massive difference. I can expose two or three times longer in L, and I still get darker sky background than original L, and much more data and vastly superior SNR. If this is the case from a Bortle 4/5, I think it would make an even bigger difference in more light polluted skies.

So IMHO don't put anything in front of filter wheel, just exchange L with a LPS filter of good quality and not cutting too much, and you'll get vastly superior L, and that's going to be 80% of the final quality of your image.

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