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My best M42 so far


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Hi guys, had a really good night saturday night, it was lovely and crystal clear (the best ive seen in ages), i got shed loads of data for a change, planetary and DSO so was a lovely night for a change lol

This is the 1st time i have taken proper darks and bias also, might even give flats a go in a bit where the sky is very bright at the moment,

total of around 8mins total data (100 x 5 second subs), 50 darks, 25 bias, flats to come, ISO2000 captured with canon 7D, also finally learning curves a bit more now and i can start to see how powerful a tool curves can actually be :)


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Nice image tingting - well done - good amount of detail around the trapezium showing.

Welcome to the slippery slope of astro-imaging!

Looking forward to seeing more from you in future.


Evening Steve,

Thank you for your kind words :) i was hoping for some clear skies tonight to try and get a LOT more subs maybe a little higher ISO with more darks too...? and going to try an exposure of around 10-15 secs and hopefully will be able to get rid of star trailing in PP

Thanks its great to be on board this fascinating roller coaster :D

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Nice one plenty of detail for 5sec subs showing the trapezium.Once the bug gets a grip it doesnt let go, but its a good bug.One tip you dont want to subtract darks and bias from your lights as the darks contain bias so you end up subtracting bias twice which results in putting a bias inverse into the lights.However when you use flats you want to subtract the bias from the flats.Hope this helps

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Nice one plenty of detail for 5sec subs showing the trapezium.Once the bug gets a grip it doesnt let go, but its a good bug.One tip you dont want to subtract darks and bias from your lights as the darks contain bias so you end up subtracting bias twice which results in putting a bias inverse into the lights.However when you use flats you want to subtract the bias from the flats.Hope this helps

Hi Andy

thanks for your kind comments :) im defo getting the bug i think thats for sure lol

very interesting about the darks and subs!!! so where im not taking any flats at present i only want to use the darks right with my current lights...saves a bit of work till i start getting practice on flats :) thanks for that

Well done... keep going :)

Thanks coco, the train is now rolling lool :D

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