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Eyepieces for a skyliner 200p

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I am thinking of getting the following eyepieces and i am unsure if it would be ok not to bother with the 15mm eyepiece, the following eyepieces will give me the following spread of mags:- 40-80-120-150-160-200-240-300-400 :-

30mm Vixen NPL eyepiece MAG 40

x2 80

15mm Vixen NPL eyepiece MAG 80

x2 160

10mm Vixen NPL eyepiece MAG 120

x2 240

8mm Vixen NPL eyepiece MAG 150

x2 300

6mm Vixen NPL eyepiece MAG 200

x2 400

As you can see the 15mm ep has the same mag as the barlowed 30mm and the 15mm + barlow has similar mag to the 8mm ep.

My question is, would it be a good idea not to get the 15mm ep and would a 2x barlow double the eye reliefe of the 8mm ep ? or would it be better to keep the 15mm ep because a barlowed 30mm ep will have too much eye reliefe and an 8mm ep wont be as comfortable to use as a barlowed 15mm ep

Npl eyereliefe chart here:- http://www.firstlightoptics.com/vixen-eyepieces/vixen-npl-eyepieces.html



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Hi Nick,

To be honest you won't use 300x or 400x. The seeing conditions just don't make those useful magnifications.

Your 240x would be a useful max power - perhaps you can re-jig your thinking around that as a max ?

You are right - barlowing long focal length eyepieces can deliver excessive eye relief.

Hope that helps a bit.

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