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Stevie P

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Hello to everyone

Well having recieved my first telscope three days ago, (Skywatcher Explorer 130-EM), with countless questions, answererd invariably by this site via good old google, it seemed best to join...

With only three days in and only a few hours of clear skies Wednesday evening I managed to get some fairly good views of the Moon, even snaped a couple of pictures down the the eye-piece, and a reasonable view of jupiter and 4 of the moons... All abrupltly ending as the clouds put paid to viewing that evening.

Oh how I can see a few late nights ahead...


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Hi Stevie and welcome to the forum. Nice photo of the moon and if you are interested in developing (apologies for the pun) your imaging ambitions, I wouldcertainly recommend that you take a look at Steve Richards' book "Making Every Photon Count" (FLO £19.95). It will certainly provide you with a comprehensive overview of astrophotography or the "dark art" as we like to call it. :grin:

Clear skies and hope you enjoy the forum.


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