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Baader Hyperion eyepiece used for imaging as well?


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Hey all

I posted this yesterday on the Imaging forum but didn't get any response. Perhaps the eyepieces forum is more appropriate...

I'm in the market for my first eyepiece to go with my 28mm LET supplied with the ED80. (I'm very pleased with the eye piece but magnification is low)

I mainly image but am trying to keep in mind some visual use as well and was attracted to this eyepiece as a possible contender for visual and imaging.

So far I've only imaged at prime focus and whilst I'd like to get some better visual obs of Jupiter and everything else, I wondered if I could kill two birds with the Baader Hyperion. I'd be looking at the 5mm eyepiece which will give me 120x mag on my 600mm focal length. Possibly up to 180x with a couple of rings which I believe is the absolute max for this scope.

I like the flexibility of these eyepieces, where you can have rings added to change the magnification, or filters (not sure which). Like I say this is my first eyepiece purchase. I basically want to increase the magnification beyond my 21x supplied eyepiece and use the new eyepiece to take some photos if possible.

My questions are:

Is this eyepiece usable with the relevant adapter to attach my DSLR and get some reasonable shots? Or are they a no, no for imaging?

Do any of you use these eyepieces for astrophotography? If so, can you post some shots?

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We have the 10mm Hyperion and can confirm that our Pentax DSLR attaches fine with the appropriate T ring and adapter.

BUT as we only have a Dob, which is rubbish for AP, we have only had one play with it and so can't really speak on AP 'quality' etc. as that will depend I guess on the combination of the EP with your scope.

We got a shot of Saturn which was magnified enough to see planet and rings but as we didn't really know what we were doing was quite blurry, but that's probably us not knowing what to do + the inability of our scope to track.

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I've used my 5mm Hyperion on my 80ED for shooting the moon, and... whilst it works... focusing is extremely hard, and you either need to boost the ISO or have accurate tracking to get a suitable exposure with an SLR. To be honest, for what you're wanting to do, a webcam at prime focus is a better bet. Visually, the Hyperions with the 80ED are very nice though.

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We have the 10mm Hyperion and can confirm that our Pentax DSLR attaches fine with the appropriate T ring and adapter.

BUT as we only have a Dob, which is rubbish for AP, we have only had one play with it and so can't really speak on AP 'quality' etc. as that will depend I guess on the combination of the EP with your scope.

We got a shot of Saturn which was magnified enough to see planet and rings but as we didn't really know what we were doing was quite blurry, but that's probably us not knowing what to do + the inability of our scope to track.

My main aim was to get a high mag eyepiece for visual. The photography was a bonus. I'd be pleased with any picture of Saturn :rolleyes:

I've used my 5mm Hyperion on my 80ED for shooting the moon, and... whilst it works... focusing is extremely hard, and you either need to boost the ISO or have accurate tracking to get a suitable exposure with an SLR. To be honest, for what you're wanting to do, a webcam at prime focus is a better bet. Visually, the Hyperions with the 80ED are very nice though.

Webcams may well be something to look into later on.

Are either of you able to post some images you've taken with the Hyperion?

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didn't keep it our image & I wouldn't judge the EP on it anyway as we were floundering.

Visually I'm very happy with the quality & flexibility it gives, although on my fast scope it does have 'edge issues' as I use it for planets and keep them central it doesn't really matter.

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After reading another post here...

and using this great tool for fov examples

I have decided to go for the 8mm eyepiece. This will give my ED80 a magnification of 75x at 8mm and with an FTR 120x and in the 2" mode 27.5x. Altogether for one lens and good range on mags to go with my LES 28mm (21.4x).

Thanks for all your views. Just gotta wait now for FLO to get them in stock. :evil:

I'll post up some piccies once I've had a play.

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Hi I have an ed80 Scope I only got it a couple of weeks ago. I have ordered the baader 10mm eyepiece for this scope for imaging purposes also. It has not arrived yet but will let you know how I get on. I intend using the finder scope as a guide scope as i have a guide camera to fit it. As for magnification of this scope I had it out looking at Jupiter a few nights ago and was using my cheap Celestron Possles. I managed to use my 4mm barlowed to 2mm with this scope and get reasonable Views of Jupiter. Thats a mag of 300 I was well impressed with it. Good louck.


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  • 9 months later...

After reading another post here...

and using this great tool for fov examples

I have decided to go for the 8mm eyepiece. This will give my ED80 a magnification of 75x at 8mm and with an FTR 120x and in the 2" mode 27.5x. Altogether for one lens and good range on mags to go with my LES 28mm (21.4x).

Thanks for all your views. Just gotta wait now for FLO to get them in stock. :evil:

I'll post up some piccies once I've had a play.

I've been doing some research on the best eye pieces for my ED80 and found your thread. It's been quite a few months since you bought the 8mm Baader. How have you found it? Like you, I'm looking primarily for visual but AP would be a bonus. Thanks!

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