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My first Jupiter shot

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Give the stacking a go - its easier than processing (IMO) - and that looks like a good starting point to me.

The hardest part I found was converting the Canon MOV files to a decent lossless AVI but finally got to the bottom of that one..........

There are some good tutorials around for stacking planetary images.

Have fun


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Great image, well done. I have also recently produced my first shot of Jupiter and it gave me immense pleasure just getting it in focus and being able to see some surface detail. Do try stacking, I have registax and it is easy to use.

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Good shot! You got the GRS there. (Upside-down with your scope.)

Webcams for imaging are the way to go for planetary and lunar. I can't comment on DSLR movies as I've never tried that! I'm sure someone will be along soon to comment.

There are some cheap webcams out there, Just as a start, such as the XBox cam, and some tutorials on how to convert them for astro use. Supposedly the best webcam, which is no longer made, is the Phillips SPC900NC (or the 880 which can be flashed to 900). They're rare so can be expensive. They do come up for sale from time to time. I love mine. There are also some dedicated cams for astro work but they're expnesive. I don't know much about those!

With webcams you can get 100s or 1000s of frames that you stack in Registax. The good thing about that is, due to atmospheric turbulence, some frames will be clear and some won't. Registax can choose the best frames. When you take a snap with a DSLR, you might take it when the turbulence is very bad for a moment!

There are lots of threads on here about webcam types and converting

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if i can get anything like that on my first go for imaging i will be well happy ,

i have nearly everything ready just waiting on my bobs knobs for a decent collimation of my c8 sct cause my focus wasnt the nest last time out.also waiting for my telrad to come before hand, i have a craking little 8.9" netbook soley for imaging i bought for £40 on ebay and it's a tidy spec as well booted all the imaging software on there, got two webcams just waiting for bits to convert the xbox one...oh yeah also need a clear night lol..

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