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Who owns the moon?


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I came across this http://ca.news.yahoo.com/video/whoknew-owns-moon-country-really-060000900.html

And it got me to thinking, who does/will own the moon?

I remember an old girlfriend buying me an acre of the moon years ago, I still have the certificate, I wonder if it is actually legally binding? maybe my great great great great grand children could build a home on my acre :grin:

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the same person who owns the Earth.

That would be us. Our gunships conquered it around 4 billion years ago and planted some evolutionarlily programmed seeds intended to provide us with a crop a delicatessen meats for our royal tables, where only the brains of planetary top predators are eaten. However, owing to an unforseen complication the creatures turned out to be rather bitter and unpleasant and their brains uneconomically small. We have never bothered to harvest the crop.

We will not be back.


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I own the moon. Well, all but one acre of it. I am selling it off a a dollar per sq/ft. Please feel free to fund my Paypal account for as much you'd like :D

On a serious note- whoever gets there first and begins exlploiting its resources will technically "own" it. After that, it is likely to become a battleground once the competition starts trickling in. Which in a way is kind of bleak considering that any battles for territory on the moon are sure to have implications here on Earth.

What a great philosophical question~

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There's a poem about this by Carl Sandburg. It's pretty memorable.

Olly (Sometime teacher of English Lit...)

‘Get Off This Estate

‘Get off this estate.’

‘What for?’

‘Because it’s mine.’

‘Where did you get it?’

‘From my father.’

‘Where did he get it?’

‘From his father.’

‘And where did he get it?’

‘He fought for it.’

‘Well, I’ll fight you for it’

- Carl Sandburg

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