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What the.. my eyes just run out of Gamut?

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I've just taken delivery of a brand new set of LRGB and Ha OIII SII filters, plus filter wheel :hello2:


I took a look at the Ha and held it up to the fire to look at what Ha light looks like.

What the!.. I don't think I've ever knowingly seen a red that deep before. I just created the deepest red my laptop screen will go to and frankly it looks yellowy orange by comparison.

How on earth do people process these deep hughes if they want to reproduce the actual colours (I'm well aware of the colour shifts of the Hubble pallette)

I've looked up some screen tech and the 100% NTSC rating seems like a good thing.. but I'm still not sure if it will get as far as "Ha red".


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The thing is, really theyre not red at all! (its only red to our eyes) The hue of the filter does not matter when you are imaging with a mono camera because the image produced is mono anyway, and the end result is whatever colour you choose to map that Ha image to - usually red or green (for HST colour). OIII can be blue and green, well... its more of a teal colour. SII is a deeper red than Ha (brick red).

With narrowband, the colour you get in the end product still isnt true colour but if you saw some targets in true colour, they aint half as interesting. For instance the Veil comes out as green and red with a DSLR, but with a CCD its blood red and electric blue - a million times better :)

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I know what you mean. In fact I think the DSLR is making the mistake, not the mono+filters. The point is the DSLR will be sensing a little of the Ha in both the green and blue channels, where as our eyes only really see it in the red... well that's what my eyes appeared to see when I looked through my Ha filter.

So 'Blood red' would appear a better description.

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