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How reliable is UK astro buy and sell?


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I can't work out why there are so few scope for sale on Astro Buy Sell. If you look at the number of posts just on Stargazers Lounge from those who regularly say they bought this and sold that, you would have thought that nationally there would be a large turnover of scopes being sold used, but there aren't very many posted, nor are that many posted here. Though ebay does have a much bigger list I don't think many are from the type of users that tend to post here and other dedicated astro sites. I wonder where all the second had scopes end up?

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on the whole its good. my advice is if you arnt paying cash on collection, get them to send pictures and dont be afraid to ask questions. DONT use paypal gift option unless your 100% sure of a hassle free seller.theres little you can do if you get a dodgy item or nothing through the post as gift means gift . so use paypal but pay the fee on top ( 3.5-4%) it makes it easier to complain to paypal for refund.

ive found it to be a great site for buying and selling , but be sensible and if something looks wrong ,or just feels wrong ,then leave it or make enquiries before commiting.

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I bought my new (to me) 200p/EQ5 recently from ABS, we exchanged a couple of emails & a couple of phonecalls, was wary as it was the first time i'd used the site for such a large sum, but all went well picked up the scope which was as advertised & i'm very happy with it, I'm expecting a GPUSB thru the post in the next few days from there, seller sent me a pic of it wrapped for delivery (to confirm my address) & a pic of the reciept when he posted it, Astronomy seems to be a hobby where the enthusiasts are very thorough & tend to keep kit in great condition which is why the second hand market is only slightly cheaper than brand new (altho there are bargains out there but as has been mentioned above they go quick) Good advice on the paypal gift option tho, I didnt realise that.


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No problems with buying except be very careful with the sellers descriptions especially eye pieces "as new but the odd tiny mark" can mean full of deep scratches from retaining screws, where there has been no compression fitting in use. and selling, you sometimes get the odd ball and dithering idiot who wants to waste your time, but on the whole it is a very good s/h market place and if you use none gift PayPal you always have some safeguard :)


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I have bought and sold quite a bit of stuff on ABS.

As a seller.

I remember being asked 'what can I see' questions about a scope The potential buyer appeared to be quite new to the hobby. I gave him honest answers about the limitations of the kit and what he should expect. He bought and afterwards I realised he was experienced and was obviously checking me out!

Another one related to me answering a wanted ad for some eyepieces. It was a new member and the type of questions shouted SCAM to me. He had a £1000+ Meade scope and would my eyepieces work in it? No idea how to calculate magnification, etc. The real name was odd. I followed it through and waited for the cheque (with a different name) to clear before posting and no problem.

Then there was the guy from Spain who cried poverty. No work, 17 grannies to support, can I reduce the price. But he knew the cost and pitfalls of most shipping methods. He did though sell something almost weekly on ABS!

Finally, advertised a scope and got a response in minutes from someone who would buy it, pay shipping, no arguments or questions. He was one of those people who buy/sell kit as a job but try to give the impression of being an amateur buying for himself. In this case I sold to the 2nd in line. I don't have a problem with astro kit dealers, provided they are honest about who they are. If the buyer (or seller) is misleading on his identity, can you you trust anything else he says?

As a buyer.

99% won't scam you. You can easily spot the traders described above. How else do you run up 200 adverts in 2 years? Usually with a bit of care you can establish the general condition of equipment by asking a few questions. Usually the scammers are obvious and found out very quickly. I have only been scammed the once. I don't feel too bad about it because I am one of 5 who fell foul of the same person. The reason it worked on me was that he was a member on SGL with lots of posts. Just who do you trust? As this is ongoing and the police are involved, I won't dwell on it.

Bottom line. A good place but take sensible precautions.

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dont ever pay as gift unless you REALLY REALLY know the individual your dealing with. there is little you can do if it goes pair shaped. take it from a few here who know .

you think you know some people :mad: . pay the extra 3 or 4 % and at least paypal can assist in event of a problem.

i wont pay like that to anyone again. and to be fair ,if they are genuine they wont mind how you pay will they .

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Anybody wanting to sell premium EPs with deeply gouged barrels can try me. I couldn't possibly care less!!

I like Sara's idea of asking for a picture with something you specified written next to it. Also the house description idea.


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