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I'm getting a mobile..


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..like Matt's! I've spent the best part of an hour putting this mosaic together, only to see SR's mobile shot, with equally as much detail as mine. Just isn't worth the trouble.

Anyhow, taken with the 30d, Settings: ISO 100, 1/50 sec, 26mm ep, and the 8"..


(click to enlarge)


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Get a T mount and do it prime focus, then you don't need to mosaic it. Loads better as its more rigid and the Canon should eat ANY mobile for breakfast with imaging. Matt does great imaging with his 'phone, but I'd guess that he'd swap you in the blink of an eye.

You have all the kit, except maybe the T ring bit, bite the £20 bullet an go for it Caz. You know you want to.

Kaptain klevtsov

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I agree with KK and SR, Caz. It's a nice image of the moon, but a whole lot of work.

We would love to see more of your imaging.. You are not posting enough these days, so get someone to buy you that T Mount for Christmas. :smiley:

Best Wishes Caz.

Ron. :evil:

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Thanks KK, Matt, Ron.. :smiley: I've got all the paraphernalia for the prime focus stuff, but the problem is, I can't reach focus that way. Hence why I do afocal, which is very long winded, and troublesome..


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Are you referring to your Newt. Caz?. It's not a big job to move the mirror up the tube a bit. The only possible drawback might be the size of your secondary. If it is tailored to your focal length as it is, then you may lose light if you move the mirror up the tube. It depends a lot on how far in you need to go to get prime focus with your camera. Another way could be a low profile focuser.

Of course If you are not using the Newtonian for imaging, then please ignore all I've said :smiley:


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