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first night with clear sky wahoo.

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Quick quin advance. stion. Finally had a good go on my telescope. 114mm reflector. Sorry I don't know the terminology yet. But when I found jupitet I put in the barlow lens and it had a big line through it. When I focused in and out I realised it was the cross hair bit in the front of the telescope. I gather this isn't normal. So why have I got it, and how do I get rid of it?

I didn't have this problem with the 20mm lens.

Happy, but confused.

Thanks I

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Thats not such a silly question. Nin the day and figure out what I did or didn't do.t considering some of the things I've done so far. But luckily I haven't done anything that silly.

I need to take the scope outside and figure out what I did or didn't do.

It was late when I realized the sky was clear.in fact I was just about to get into bed.

Thanks for reply.

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