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Testing the logitech Fusion on the Moon

Kaptain Klevtsov

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Last night the conditions were far from ideal. High level thing cloud, low level mist and 100% humidity added to nasty seeing, but I thought it was high time I had a pop at something with the Fusion.


(click to enlarge)

This was using the Tal200K, with an Antares 0.5x FR and an Atik IR filter. 58 seconds of capture (software limited to under 1 minute for the free version of Open Video Capture).

Resolution set to the max., everything else on full auto in the capture software.

I did a very quick (off to work soon) multipoint (3 points only) in registax and a quick fiddle with the gamma and histogram bits after tweaking the sliders a tiny bit.

It's here to show that it actually works, more than that it works well, as I can't tell until the seeing improves. Nice big image though!

The seeing was so bad that a set of mosaic AVIs that I did with the Toucam might all go in the bin.

Kaptain Klevtsov

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I don't know if the colours are natural, or caused by thin clouds drifting over. The software appeared to be adjusting itself quite a bit during the capture, so it could be an artefact. I'll be able to tell if/when I get to do it all in manual, and hopefully I'll not be usingthe FR then. :smiley:

One other thing, that I omitted from the earlier post, is that I initially tried it with half the screw in lens bit fitted. The lens proper occupies the top part of the assembly and some kind of (IR possibly?) filter is in the bottom section. I read about sawing the thing in half to retain the IR filter so monkey see, monkey do. It was awful. If I got the centre in focus, the outside was ghastly. The outside bit wouldn't focus anyway, so there was no vice-versa.

Oh, and don't try cotton buds for cleaning webcam sensors. Its now on my list of "Things I wish I hadn't thought would be a good idea". Page 9 if you must know. :evil:

I now need, urgently, a high up moon in perfect conditions to see what the thing will do in real life.

Kaptain klevtsov

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Yeah, our own natural satalite is bl??$y low at the moment, last night I waited for 2 hours on the moon dragging itself from behind some trees. Time was well spent checking out the rest of the sky though.

Colours might not be real KK, but that are nice.......... :smiley:

Gary A

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