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Ive bagged seven new messier objects Total:100/110


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i have recently called off my observing tonight at 2:30, and along with numb fingers and toes, ive found seven new messier objects to add to 100 out of 110 to find.

they are M3, M49, M51, M61, M64, M98 and M99. light pollution is a pest when viewing faint objects like M98. I barely got to see it visually,only a elongated haze at averted vision. if i was at my house in the country, i would not have this problem.

NGC objects found:

NGC 2775

NGC 4565

NGC 5195

Messier: 100/110

NGC: 43/7840



Scopes:Celestron Nexstar 4se and Zhumell Z12 Dobsonian

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Some of those should be quite easy to do.

M27 is large and stands out nicely in most skies.

M16, M17 and M18 shouldn't pose a problem at your latitude this coming summer.

M85 and M102 have a quite high surface brightness. M88 and M89 less so.

M76 is a bit more of a challenge.

M83 is one I can only dream of from 51 degrees North.

Good luck!

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