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Beginner with SW150p f/5


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From looking about in the threads on here I think I should be looking for an 8mm and 15mm? The supplied 10mm is supposed to be a bit naff?

Will the Vixen NPL series be good enough for clear planets and some attempts at DSO?


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I have an 8mm BST / Starguider in my F/5 (150P-DS) and think its great. I have heard good things about the Vixen plossl and I'd expect that the view equal to or sharper than the BST, but at the expense of eye relief and field of view.

My advice would be to start with the 8mm, which will be useful for planetary and many DSO. Its a great upgrade to the supplied eypieces.

I think your idea of looking at 8 and 15 is sensible. Like me, you have a low focal length so you will get a relatively wide FOV and low magnification for a given eyepiece. I use Stellarium 'opticals' and this FOV calculator to see how a given eyepiece will work with the messier catalog http://www.12dstring.me.uk/fov.htm. My next eyepiece is likely to be the 12mm BST.

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There's no difference but for the branding. My 15mm and 25mm (bought first) are branded Explorer, my 8mm is branded Starguider. The 15mm and 25mm have given me nice views of DSOs. The only downside I've found is that they're not parfocal, but I wasn't convinced that I was that bothered about it to pay the additional ££ for the Celestron xcel eyepieces. I've not regretted the decision :)

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Thanks Hulk,

Are you sure they're not parfocal as on eBay they say they are? Not that I knew what that was before googling it!

So I'm definitely going to go for the 8mm, just not sure on 15mm or 18mm for the second one? I have the 25mm that came with it for wide-ish views and may go grab a 30mm one a bit later?

Do you know if the 8mm can be used ok with a Barlow?

Thanks again

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On my scope the 15mm & the 25mm are, but the 8mm doesn't seem to be. Perhaps I'm wrong, I am new to this after all. All work well with my Barlow. I'd recommend contacting the seller directly, he was really helpful when I was deciding which size EPs to get and he can give you much more authoritative answers than I can ;) My other main source of guidance for EP size was this sticky:

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Ok, I'll drop him a line.

I did base my decision on that thread for the 8mm, 18mm. It says 2xBarlow too, so ill check with the chap. My 10mm works with the Barlow, but as a noob I guess it may not have been any good, but I could see stripes on the planet pretty clearly which led to some embarrassing jumps of delight!

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I wouldnt say no good but you'd need great seeing to get the best out of it. The 10mm i got with my Skywatcher was pretty rubbish & the barlow isnt much better either, I upgraded my 10mm to a Meade 9mm & the difference is amazing but barlowed its way past my old scope (although that was a 130mm yours is bigger so you maight be fine) I'm new to this myself so really just passing on info i've been given. If you've got a half decent barlow tthen i'd say go for it as even if you dont get to barlow the 8mm much it'll still be a great planetary ep on its own :grin:


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This is the link to the ebay listing and heres the link to the website

http://www.skysthelimit.org.uk/ Give Alan a ring he is one of the nicest blokes you can ever talk to he will answer any questions you have.

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Thanks Steve, that starts to help me get why the numbers matter!

So I'm best keeping the 10mm for when the 8mm is going to be no good!

I would ditch both the stock eps. The quality of the view is dependent on the whole optical path. You won't need to spend a fortune to improve on what was supplied in the package.

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8mm and 18mm ordered...

Wish the clouds would [removed word] off!

There's quite a few people on here buying quite alot of gear at the mo so the chances of any cloud free nights in the next few weeks are pretty much.......................NIL!!!!!clouds2.gifclouds1.gifBangHead.gif
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