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Best book/DVD to learn about DSOs?

Fordos Moon

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Afternoon Gazers!

I have a particular desire to learn about these magnificent fellas. Nothing beats observing them with my scopes but is there an information source (preferably not dependant on internet so I can take it on my travels) that has images and information about what is going on for each and every one?

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Stephen James O’Meara is a phenomenally gifted observer who has written a number of deep sky observing companion books including the Messier and Caldwell Catalogues. He uses an older 4” Televue Genesis refractor and what he is able to see visually is remarkable. The books do contain some description of what it is you are looking at as well as detailed drawings and photos. His writing style is not to everyone’s taste, but I enjoy them and have purchased four of them.

Here are the first two published in the series.



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