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Wow this thing is heavy!

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So I just put together my SW Explorer 150pds and Heq5 (unboxing pics to follow).

It never really occurred to me how big an heavy it would be and I'm a reasonably fit 6"3 bloke!

How do you guys move it around and store your scopes? Leave it premenantly mounted?

For taking outside/storage: Is it best to remove the Scope and rings from the mount or do you remove the counter weights or both?


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NEQ6 Pro is heavier!

I have a 150P on a CG-4, I take the mount + tripod as one (with only the small weight attached), and carry the scope with rings as one straight to the mount to attach it to the dovetail plate. I will carry the larger weight out and attach that last, then balance the scope, but always careful to keep the OTA at the top with the clutches firmly ON. It's probably better to attach the weights before the OTA but I think in the case of the 150P the mount clutches can hold it OK with just one weight attached.

I never remove the rings from the OTA, I don't think that's necessary for a scope of this size.

My NEQ6 Pro is a different matter. I store this with the mount on the tripod, and it's a bit like the towers of Hanoi when I come to take it outside - I first take the mount out there and put it on the garden bench, then I take the tripod out and align it North, then put the mount onto the tripod and level it. Next I bring out the weights (they have their own little case), attach them, then I bring out the OTA and attach that, then balance. Then I will think about the battery and eyepieces etc.

I store the tripod with mount attached, OTA sits in its own box so that it doesn't get knocked (and because space is limited). If a tripod or mount gets knocked over it's not likely to come to a lot of harm, if the OTA hits the ground from four feet it may very well come to a lot of harm.

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John never attempt to carry your scope attached to a mount like the HEQ5 it is a reciepe for disaster. this practice is fine for a lightweight grab and go on a photo tripod or similar but nothing more.

set the mount up first and polar align etc, then attach the scope and balance as necessary with the counter weight/s


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I had an HEQ5, then went and bought an EQ5 for the more normal stuff and smaller scopes, so have one of each.

Everyone assumes weight is not a problem, until the equipment arrives.

You either

1) Find an "easy" way of lugging it out side,

2) Take it out in several bits (do this when still light - easier to assemble the bits)

3) Get something lighter - not always an option.

4) Build a permanent pier

5) Give up.

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I was just going to say that, youre welcome to come help me carry mouny. I carry my NEQ-6 in and out to and from the car (in pieces) (live in an apartment) each time I'm going out with it. I'm a pretty weak guy overall but luckily I train MMA 3 days a week so I wont complaing getting some free work out ;)

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So moving in bits seems the logical option then.

How do you guys store the OTA, seems so delicate. Do you have a box or can I stand on end? At present it's rather comfy on the couch :)

In the box it came in, but at some point I might need to fit more things in my car, so I'll try and find a padded bag or something like that....

Also, you promised me some unboxing pictures ;)

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donn`t really have the same problem with a dob, i`m 5"10 and 11 stone and can manage my 250p dob in one go (when stored down stairs when the wife complains and it go`s up 2 flights of stairs i carry the ota and base separate) it`s more a matter of the ota size when bringing it down 2 flights of stairs, but at least i can be set up really fast even with a large scope, want to get a bigger one but not got the cash at the moment.

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This is why I tend to recommend dobsonians unless someone is dead set on using the scope / mount for imaging in the future. A 250mm dob is relatively easy to move around but a 250mm equatorially mounted newtonian (the same optical system as the dob) is a bit of a monster if it's on a suitably sturdy mount. Dobs have a smaller storage "footprint" too.

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This is why I tend to recommend dobsonians unless someone is dead set on using the scope / mount for imaging in the future. A 250mm dob is relatively easy to move around but a 250mm equatorially mounted newtonian (the same optical system as the dob) is a bit of a monster if it's on a suitably sturdy mount. Dobs have a smaller storage "footprint" too.

exactly, the 250 base is only around 500mm diameter base (aprox) so stored upright is all the room it takes, the added advantage a lot cheaper, your money go`s on the optics rather than expensive electrics, i`m in the process of making a leveling base and a push to system, so them messiers should rack up soon, considering an equatorial platform for the future but even with that probably only good for photo`s of the planets rather than dso`s, but i woundn`t want to down size as i want to see more not less.

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my goodness some of you chaps get a real work out :eek:

me, i use bins so i put the strap around my neck and walk out the back door

job done... :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

and storage they all came in nice cases as did my tripods and i keep them all safe in a cupboard... :laugh: :laugh:

so at half time its 1-nil to me :tongue:

ha ha

but suspect i might lose the match in extra time.... :p

anyone got a clear sky where they are tonight?? mine has just gone :mad:

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Yeah maybe I need to work out a bit more :grin:

As for storage; for now the OTA is wrapped in a blanket on a bed in the spare room.

I've posted unboxing pics in a separate thread and on my gallery.

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So moving in bits seems the logical option then.

How do you guys store the OTA, seems so delicate. Do you have a box or can I stand on end? At present it's rather comfy on the couch :)

I store my 150P on its end, currently it is face-down with the cap on (finder etc are next to the ground), don't know if that's best or not, but I didn't want any water from condensation to run down onto the mirror.

My 8SE fits into a large Very Useful Box, into which I have placed the original packing for the OTA (but not the cardboard box); I doubt you would find one large enough to fit a 150P (or, it would be a ridiculously large box!) but you could probably convert a long box or make your own. Having the original packing it came in is useful, although really you're most likely to just want to stand it up in the corner of a room on a level floor, a box is mainly useful for transport in a car.

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