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Your ideal location ?


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It's the persistently horrible weather that is getting to me, to be honest. I think I posted a while back that four of the ten wettest years since records began a century ago have occurred since 2000. That's seems excessively high to me. Unfortunately of course it's hard to be sure that anywhere else one might decide to go will remain better. At least, without going to places that might be deemed unacceptable for other reasons.


Same here, going over all the pics I took last year for the showcase threads really hit home just how little I got out last year.

I'm down in the dumps tbh and not just from an astronomical point of view.

I've been constantly on about a move south to warm the bones but it's gotten to the point that a move north seems like not so much a bad idea, it honestly could not be worse.

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Yep, NZ looks good to me too. My wife, 45, was diagnosed last year with the Big C - an extremely rare type for her age and incurable. To say the Sword of Damocles is hanging over us and our 6 year old daughter is putting it lightly. All I want to do after a day at work and caring duties is get out under the stars to take my mind of it and I can't because of our hideous weather. If the worst happened, I would consider NZ - I have the skills they want there - although may need to stay here for other reasons like aging parents/in-laws etc. Despite my patriotism, there seems to be nothing here but bad news, constantly ripped off by the government and having to suffer our horrible, unpredictable climate. I am sick to death of it - and even my main hobbies, Astro, gardening and cycling are constantly blighted by our weather. Cycling is at least possible. But Astro here is a joke. Like cloud watching in Saudi Arabia would be.


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Australia for me, sunny weather, clear skies nice culture and quality of life, Rupert Murdoch no longer lives there; down side is I'd be scared of stepping on something in the dark that fights back.. Good thing about the UK is the wimpy wildlife.

Closer to home south of France seems nice though I've never been there. Must ask Olly.


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Yep, NZ looks good to me too. My wife, 45, was diagnosed last year with the Big C - an extremely rare type for her age and incurable. To say the Sword of Damocles is hanging over us and our 6 year old daughter is putting it lightly. All I want to do after a day at work and caring duties is get out under the stars to take my mind of it and I can't because of our hideous weather. If the worst happened, I would consider NZ - I have the skills they want there - although may need to stay here for other reasons like aging parents/in-laws etc. Despite my patriotism, there seems to be nothing here but bad news, constantly ripped off by the government and having to suffer our horrible, unpredictable climate. I am sick to death of it - and even my main hobbies, Astro, gardening and cycling are constantly blighted by our weather. Cycling is at least possible. But Astro here is a joke. Like cloud watching in Saudi Arabia would be.


Thats terrible so sorry to hear that. I suppose it really changes everything.

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Well I've done a bit more research and it looks like NZ is out for me.

Too old (56 coming up to 57), the cut off is 56 for a normal visa, and I could only retiere there after 65, and only if I had a humungous amount to invest and live off.

Will have to look for a low cost dark site closer to home :mad:

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Yep, NZ looks good to me too. My wife, 45, was diagnosed last year with the Big C - an extremely rare type for her age and incurable. To say the Sword of Damocles is hanging over us and our 6 year old daughter is putting it lightly. All I want to do after a day at work and caring duties is get out under the stars to take my mind of it and I can't because of our hideous weather. If the worst happened, I would consider NZ - I have the skills they want there - although may need to stay here for other reasons like aging parents/in-laws etc. Despite my patriotism, there seems to be nothing here but bad news, constantly ripped off by the government and having to suffer our horrible, unpredictable climate. I am sick to death of it - and even my main hobbies, Astro, gardening and cycling are constantly blighted by our weather. Cycling is at least possible. But Astro here is a joke. Like cloud watching in Saudi Arabia would be.


That is totaly rough. I'm sorry to hear of your and your wife's woes, puts other troubles into perspective.

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Australia for me, sunny weather, clear skies nice culture and quality of life, Rupert Murdoch no longer lives there; down side is I'd be scared of stepping on something in the dark that fights back.. Good thing about the UK is the wimpy wildlife.

Closer to home south of France seems nice though I've never been there. Must ask Olly.


Australia is very expensive - you'd be amazed how much groceries cost; however property is more realistically priced. Your description is often thought of as a typical Aussie life-style but they have their own share of problems there.

South of France where Olly lives.....? Now we are talking. Fantastic place, beautiful countryside and scenery, cultured and a better way of life IMO. That's why there are hundreds of thousands of Brits there driving up the property costs!

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Australia is very expensive - you'd be amazed how much groceries cost; however property is more realistically priced. Your description is often thought of as a typical Aussie life-style but they have their own share of problems there.

This wasn't always the case, in fact in the four years I have been away it has risen to have the 3rd highest cost of living worldwide. Personally I find this unbelievable to be up there with the like of the Swiss especially since we avoided the worst of the financial crisis.


Oh well it is what it is....

Still if you have set yourself up well or have something to offer it's not a bad place at all.

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A two way split. In the army I have been lucky enough to travel to Alberta National Parks in Canada and the CY National Parks in Western States. Both are peacefully serene, spectacular lands scape and dark sky's that give the feeling you can see all the OU with the naked eye.

In addition your pound or dollar goes much farther!

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This wasn't always the case, in fact in the four years I have been away it has risen to have the 3rd highest cost of living worldwide. Personally I find this unbelievable to be up there with the like of the Swiss especially since we avoided the worst of the financial crisis.


I'm genuinely surprised by that. On the other hand, perhaps Australians feel that the higher cost of living is reflected in a better quality of life. And I am quite wary of economies that have an apparently low cost of living that appears to be funded by massive debt. I'm sure that situation is just waiting for someone to point out sufficiently loudly that the Emperor isn't wearing any clothes...


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Portugal is a stunning country with great people.

Portugal is my second home. My mother and i own/rent out an apartment slap bang near the harbour in Lisbon.

Love the country,people,culture and food.

The Algarve though is the place to go.................

I'm surprised you say this, Paul. I know all of Portugal by bike and find everything except the Alagarve fascinating. Boy, I'd love to be at the harbour in Lisbon though. My favourite city. As you say, the people, the food, and so civiilzed... The Algarve I found barren and, near the coast, touristy and light polluted.

I went for SE France, not quite Provence and not quite the Alps. Bit of both. A site suvey by the French professionals chose this area in the 1930s. In the Alps you get too much weather. In Provence you get too many people and the cities are too near. Quite a lot of LP.

I have a mag 7 zenith, 21.6 SQM, no visible light sources and good supermarkets at 25 mins by car. I like it. I even foud someone daft enough to marry me.


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My ideal location would be Spain ............. Oh hang on, that's where I am :smiley:

Not interested in astrophotography prior to deciding where we would move to, I've luckily ended up in a place where I can look over a National park in the East and not too much LP (but then I don't have much by way of comparison!)

Prices in general (except house prices!) have undoubtedly risen over here in the last few years, but it's still doable on pensions, which would not be the case in the UK. The pace of life is completely different and as much as the 'manana attitude' does annoy me at times, you do get used to it. The Spaniards that I have contact with are very friendly and appreciative of our attempts to speak spanish. Weather wise, from the 1st of January until last week I've managed to gather 47 hours worth of data that I've kept and so many more hours spent messing about!

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Outback Oz, no question. Somewhere with an airstrip and maybe a little 4 seater plane in the garage :) :) :).


Edit: of course my wife might have different ideas. still, she could visit me whenever she likes ;).

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It would have to be Tenerife for me.

We love the island. It's got some good scuba diving too and nowhere on the island is far from the sprawling caldera which offers protection from light pollution from the resorts. It also would the observer above the persistent deck of Strato Cumulus clouds that plague the Canaries.

And it's only 4 hours away by budget airline:

In fact I'm off there in 3 weeks :)

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I'm genuinely surprised by that. And I am quite wary of economies that have an apparently low cost of living that appears to be funded by massive debt.


I'm surprised too by it. I certainly never would of though it more expensive than other place, to my mind Belgium seems more expensive than when I was living/working in Oz. That said I never had a great deal of money nor did I spend it wisely but I know I couldn't live off of the same paychecks here. It hasn't put people off looking to move there either, I still feel it may be somewhat exaggerated but then again it seems to have risen sharply since I left, I know it's not easy on some of my family.

On the other hand, perhaps Australians feel that the higher cost of living is reflected in a better quality of life.

I don't think that is the case at all, I doubt many Aussies even realise that it is so comparatively expensive or feel they have it better, it never used to be anyway. Plus I don't think quality of life is any better than most westernised nations aside from the climate but that is subjective, with things like living standards, healthcare, technology and modernisation it's all much of a muchness. The common person still works hard and has bills to pay, it just seems like it's getting harder to get ahead.

I'm sure that situation is just waiting for someone to point out sufficiently loudly that the Emperor isn't wearing any clothes...

It is a strong possibility.

All in all things would either have to improve or my wife to be offered something amazing(I'm just a lacky, I don't get offered anything) before we would head back there, we will go back eventually though. Hopefully with a plan of some kind so we can do what we choose.

I suppose it's just not where we are at the moment.

But if I could choose right now it would be Spain or Estonia.

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Yep, NZ looks good to me too. My wife, 45, was diagnosed last year with the Big C - an extremely rare type for her age and incurable. To say the Sword of Damocles is hanging over us and our 6 year old daughter is putting it lightly. All I want to do after a day at work and caring duties is get out under the stars to take my mind of it and I can't because of our hideous weather. If the worst happened, I would consider NZ - I have the skills they want there - although may need to stay here for other reasons like aging parents/in-laws etc. Despite my patriotism, there seems to be nothing here but bad news, constantly ripped off by the government and having to suffer our horrible, unpredictable climate. I am sick to death of it - and even my main hobbies, Astro, gardening and cycling are constantly blighted by our weather. Cycling is at least possible. But Astro here is a joke. Like cloud watching in Saudi Arabia would be.


Sorry to hear that. I guess taking care of our famillies must take priority over our 'hobbies'. There's a lot to think about with aging parents, in-laws & other family before dashing off to a new life abroad. I worked with a chap (now retired) who's only son emigrated to Tasmania. I don't think he was very happy about it....

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