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Observed Saturn this morning!


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I finally got to see Saturn through my SW130p this morning,from 4.40am! O.K.,-this maybe isn't any great deal for seasoned observers,but it was the first time in almost forty years since I'd last seen the planet through a scope eyepiece.Due to the planet's fairly low elevation,and the general seeing conditions,I kept to pretty low mags- x65 to x108.The supplied 10mm EP and a Celestron 8mm supplying the best views for me.Also saw a moon,which I took to be Titan,though checking 'Stellarium' when I got home at 7am,I wasn't so sure.Still,a notable observing session for me!

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Cheers Michael.I forgot to mention that I also saw what I took to be Titan.However,on checking with 'Stellarium',I'm wondering if it might have been one of the other moons(?)I must admit that my observational skills could have been a bit better.I think this is because I was just so 'knocked out'by the view in general! For instance- Should I be able to make out the Cassini division with a 130mm scope?

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