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Greetings from sunny East London!

Greek Tony

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Thanks James, that's great. Appreciate the advice :-) I have a topic going on another forum re Scope advice and had such great advice, feedback, recommendations etc. I am going to take it all in, digest and pop along to a club one evening before making a purchase.

Re my dad, LOL, of course you can. Although he doesn't even know his own phone number or address let alone use a computer or keyboard!! However, I can of course show him the topics and advice required and see if he can help, would be my pleasure. Shall I post the pics of the mount he made on the DIY section?

Honestly, what he can do is incredible out of a load of junk and he got the moving adjustable parts spot on and carries the weight of these monster scopes just perfectly. I would buy one of these if I saw it in the shops! And the main thing is he really enjoys doing stuff like this. It's his hobby :-)



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Love the mount Tony, you should find out what else your dad has got lying around in the garage, you never know you may find a nice newtonion reflector, all ready and waiting. Anyway, good luck in finding some DSS near London, and welcome.


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Thanks everyone, lovely to feel so welcomed :-)

Nice one Phil, it's like an episode of the A Team when he gets in that shed! haha

Cheers Carl, I reckon I will eventually have two scopes, not yet, one to keep static at home, the other for taking out with me, my first one I reckon.


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Hi Tony and welcome to SGL, nice intro and love the stand for the binos, great idea. James is right about the scope, if you start of with a Dob, of good aperture, you could expand in the future onto a suitable equatorial mount, that will open the door to AP and with your Dad`s excellent DIY abilities, goodness knows where you will end up with ancillary Astro bits and pieces, enjoy your Astronomy :)


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Cheers guys, that's great advice. I put a recent post up on my topic in the Advice for Equipment forum with a list of my requirements / situation etc which should help. I've had such good advice and recommendations already which I'm so chuffed about.

I'm reading through the night to learn as much as possible and can't wait to get some time outside. I want to do as much as possible before I get my first scope so I can take real pleasure from it and understand what to do.

I can see my budget moving skywards, mind the pun!

I will hook up with a club / meet very soon.


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