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Skywatcher 150 or 200p

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I'm struggling with telescope choice and hope that someone can point me in the right direction.

I've owned a Meade ETX90 goto for a year or so and really enjoyed viewing through it. However, I use the goto less and less now as I learn more, I would also like something to enhance viewing and may webcam or photographic imaging possibilities.

After ready several posts here and on other sites I think I'm leaning to the skywatcher explorer 150 or 200p. Collimation will be a learning curve but I find that interesting. A heard of one stargazer that uses this scope with a baader Hyperion zoom eyepiece.

FLO sell the 150 on an eq3-2 or the 200 on the eq5. However, as I struggle for room and needs to be a little portable the 150 seems my preference but I like the eq5! No deals on that package!

What to do, am I on the right lines, is this stepping up from my etx90? Do I buy a package deal or split it up and pay more? Is the eyepiece a good investment or will I miss individuals?

Many questions all of which I'm sure you can guide me on.

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Neither are great for astrophotography as it's the mount that's the problem. The eq5 is the better mount but it's ability as an astrophotography mount is barely adequate. The 200p on the eq5 is ok for visual it's possible to get some product photographically but it's not the easiest or best way. get this book on deep space photography. it will tell you what you need and more importantly why you need it it may save you a few pounds in the long run.


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  1. I bought the 200p, having no interest in photography, just viewing and it is great for that. BUT.....I now want to explore the photography side more and as Rowan46 has pointed out the EQ5 is not enough lomg term. I wish I had waited a bit and saved for an HEQ5 or NEQ6 from the start, but you live and learn. My advice is to consider the long term carefully.
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RVO do a Celestron omni 150 on a cg-4

Indeed or the C6 on the heavier CG- 5 mount.

I know from your OP that you don't need GOTO but if you want to do any imaging then you will need a driven mount.

Good luck and please do plenty of research before parting with the hard earned.

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Well I would just like to add my 2p

I started with 150p on EQ3/2 with motor drives. I modified the controller and added ASCOM drive with a small scope as guide cam. I took some good photos with the set up and I know for true imagers it's not the best but certainly a good intro into it? OK I now have a HEQ5 mount but kept the 150P as my preferred imaging scope at present.

All my images on this site or my own Website were taken with 150P.




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Have you experimented with the etx90 and astrophotography?

The goto and tracking were spot on with mine.

It's not a great interest of mine, so I only know it's possible.

I only got as far as taking pics of the moon with a digital camera and a bracket and they were pretty good considering I had no idea what I was doing.

As long as you've got the tidy meade tripod, it might be worth looking into rather than buying a new setup straight off.


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When people state they have an interest in astrophotography I think it is always good to point out there is planetary and deep space astro photography. Different techniques requiring different scopes and set ups.

An EQ5 or maybe EQ3-2 with motors should be fine for planets and lunar/solar work. With Deep space objects - an EQ5 can give limited results. It depends on what your expectations are.

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If the new kit suppliers won't do a package that suits you, then buy used.

Almost all of my major purchases of scopes, mounts, etc have been bought used.

Provided you buy sensibly and ask a few questions, there is very little risk.

While you generally can't get next day delivery, you do get the mix of parts that suits you best.

You also get to meet like minded people.

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Thanks to everyone for your feedback. I've only be at this for a year so your comments are much appreciated.

I suppose I'm decided on the 150p. I like the size and the Crayford focuser and I hope that if I invest in some decent eyepieces the view of planets and clusters will be an improvement on my ETX90?

my biggest dilemma is the mount. Do I go for the package eq3-2 standard, motorised or upgrade to the eq5?

i don't have room for the 200p, anyone got a decent image of this on an eq5 for size reference.

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ps. sherwoods can supply whatever mount you want to order alongside the tube, just select "tube-only" button, then go onto the mounts and accessories. I'm only saying sherwoods, because A-They're local to me, so that's where I look for prices, and B- they've been the best I've seen for p&p charges.

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I own a SW Explorer 200p on EQ5. It's an excellent telescope. Like you I was torn between the 150p and 200p, but eventually settled for the 200p. There's a difference in the power, enough to know that the 200p collects 60-70% more light than the 150p.

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Get the 200p on a dob base and learn the constellation. Goto is so lame and makes you idle


That's very harsh, some people like to do things the hard way and some like a bit of help. No right or wrong just different ways of doing things.

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Get the 200p on a dob base and learn the constellation. Goto is so lame and makes you idle


can i see the dso images you took with your manual dob? after all the op did say he would like to get into imaging eventually
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The 200p and EQ5 without tracking has been a huge learning curve for me and even more so when hooking up my dslr. I have to agree tho, the 200p on the EQ5 can be a real challenge, but i've like a challenge! It makes the small results that much more rewarding :) It certainly is a hobbie that can keep you poor, but only if you get frustrated easily. I've been kept busy for a whole year and learnt tons, only now im ready for an upgrade. (Crayford Focuser and EQ6 on the wanted list)..

If you know it's a hobbie you'll enjoy year in year out and you want to take some serious pictures, spend the money on at least a HEQ5/EQ6.

There as many other options available, webcams, laptop software for auto guiding etc.. I just like to be spontanious, grab my spope and point it in the direction of interest.

Regards, Ant.

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That's very harsh, some people like to do things the hard way and some like a bit of help. No right or wrong just different ways of doing things.


One type of scope and set-up may suit some people, but other people have different needs, so would need a different set-up.

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Williams, That's a big scope! Did you start with this or step up to it? The goto on my etx90 has taut me lots, plus the apps available for my ipad and phone are very informative.

Should I also consider a refractor?

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Hehe, yeah its big and can be a pain in the ass since I only have half the things I should have with this setup for it to be perfect.. It's fantastic for viewing everything, I really can't complain in that department at all! I can imagen that if I got some proper pro ep's i'd be even more blown away! I did start with this setup, call me spoilt, but if you have the money and wanna enjoy something, you might as well start on the right foot and build on it over time, that was my plan. It's what I see that keeps me interested, I could have bought a smaller setup with all the fancy extras, but I wanted a good solid foundation to take some great images. I knew at the time that the EQ5 would be at it's limits for imaging, but it's not over the limit, it's just not optimal.

The planets are a real challenge to image, but I knew this scope was mainly for DSO's. I'm wondering about a second scope for the planets, so perhaps a refractor would be a good idea :)

Although the 150p has lower specs than the 200p, it comes with better quality accessories like the crayford focuser which I now need to upgrade to, that might be the swaying point for me.. The 200p is big, but not heavy, anyone can pick it up with one arm, and it sits in the corner nicely :)

Regards, Ant.

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