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BBC cutbacks


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Oh God....can you imagine if they change the format!!!?/? Hosted by a big brother winner!

I would like to see Myleen Klass take over with Phil Lyntott, plus Brian May getting involved more, and letting Our "Pete" have an imaging slot.

In the mean time....long live Sir Patrick.


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Oh God....can you imagine if they change the format!!!?/? Hosted by a big brother winner!

I would like to see Myleen Klass take over with Phil Lyntott, plus Brian May getting involved more, and letting Our "Pete" have an imaging slot.

In the mean time....long live Sir Patrick.


Phil Lynotts dead..... :lol::D

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Just fell of my chair......lol :D:lol: :lol:

It would be great if he was in it.........A bloke who lives round the corner from me apparently used to be the keyboard guy for Thin Lizzy.....I think he's called Darren. Stunning wife as well!! Sorry I digress...Gaz started it.


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Just fell of my chair......lol :D:lol: :lol:

It would be great if he was in it.........A bloke who lives round the corner from me apparently used to be the keyboard guy for Thin Lizzy.....I think he's called Darren. Stunning wife as well!! Sorry I digress...Gaz started it.


Darren Wharton is his name. I used play keyboards in a heavy rock band in the mid 80's - we were playing at some pub in the Rochdale/Oldham area once and our drummer met him some weeks later (our drummer, coincidentally called Darren was a major Lizzy fan). He said to our drummer he'd seen us play (that night in the pub - it was one of his local pubs apparently) and commented we had a decent keyboard player (me) :lol: - my claim to fame :D

Lyntott/Lynott. Are we taking about Phil Lynott (Thin Lizzy vocalist) or some other guy (Lyntott). Was Phil Lynott into astonomy then?

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Lyntott/Lynott. Are we taking about Phil Lynott (Thin Lizzy vocalist) or some other guy (Lyntott). Was Phil Lynott into astonomy then?

I think we are talking about Chris Lintott who currently seems to co-present the Sky at Night with Sir Patrick Moore.

Phil Lynott was a great bassist / vocalist - I saw Thin Lizzy play in Bristol about 20(?) years ago - he was a fantastic character. Darren Wharton was on the keyboards that night as far as I recall although my favorite member of that band was Brian Downey on drums - a higly underrated drummer IMHO.



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I'm still fuming from when the dizzy controller of Radio 2 'forgot' to scheule a Sky at Night a few months ago

They've been trying to bin it ever since.

Although the BBC does some excellent programming, their coverage on subjects like this isn't too good any more.

They could do with having some more science programming - or better still selling the whole thing to someone that will use it well like Discovery

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  • 2 weeks later...

re: "considerable chunk is going to be cut from factual programming."

I read somewhere that "Horizon" could be the latest casualty in the holy crusade to

dumb down planet Earth.

How could the beeb claim to be a quality TV station if they get rid of progs like that?

If the beeb are strapped for cash they should make bbc3 a commercial channel - if people

want to watch wall to wall carp it should be made to pay for itself.

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I would like to see Myleen Klass take over

Really JV ? Ummmm wonder why ...................?

Don't forget the beeb also promised to lay on more repeats !!!!! The BBC is struggling to keep all it's balls in the air and this will become ever harder, and yes commissioning new/ongoing, factual/quality programing is likely to be where the axe falls.(quality never comes cheap- but Rubbish and repeats well...............


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when interviewed by jonafon woss a few weeks back, I'm afraid she fell for the old joke of ".....so would you be able to show me Uranus?"

poor lass.

:D :D :D


To be honest I think if they do return the Sky at Night to our screens they'll probably have Davina McCall, of Fern Cotton presenting it. They'll mug at the camera everytime someone mentions Uranus, say 'ooer' when experts talk about wormholes and everyweek they'll have a competition like "which planet is nearest the sun? Is it: A) Mercury :D Planet of the Apes C) Planet Hollywood." Of course there'll be no point calling in because the lines will already be closed and the producers daughter would have won. They'll have a guest band in the studio each week who'll do a poor job of convincing the audience that they know anything about space before miming to their latest song which will be played over the credits.

Oh, and the show will be renamed 'Do you have the X Factor to Strictly Come Astronomizing?'

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Heh. I'm not a cynic, I'm just old. :D

The Beeb (and virtually all stations) seem to have forgotten how to make a decent show about science. Any science. I'd be happy if they put the Sky at Night on BBC4 and left it alone, rather than turn it into something to appeal to the lowest common denominators on BBC 2.

*Settles back into armchair and lights pipe*

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Fairy snuff-sorry

LOL! I wasn't having a go. I should have stuck some smileys on. No offence taken and I hope none caused by my response.

And yes, I am a cynic and it's probably 'cos I remember the watching the Clangers, which by today's TV standards is a hard-hitting science show :D :D

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