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Hello from London


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Hi everyone! My name is Shade and I am in West London. I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas!

This forum was suggested as one of the best places to speak to people about setting up and using my new scope.

My beautiful girlfriend gave me a SkyWatcher 130P GoTo for Christmas and it's the best present ever! I just can't wait to use it outside when the weather eventually changes.

Typical though, it's been nothing but cloud and rain since Christmas so I've just about managed to mount it and partially align the finder using the chimney of a distant house ... I guess it will need to be adjusted properly using something more distant when we get a clear night.

Just got a couple of quick questions though if you don't mind and sorry for the lack of terminology as I am still learning ...

- Everything is upside down in the lens, is this normal?

- The cover at the 'front' of the scope comes off completely but also has a small dust cover on it which can be removed separately ... should I remove the whole cover or just the small one when using the scope?

I did read all the instructions but it only seems to contain generic mounting instructions for all their models of scope, then jumps to the really complicated stuff. There seems to be a big chunk of information missing from the middle that would be really helpful!


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Hi and welcome.

The 130p is a nice little scope. You'll have plenty of fun with it. As you've noticed you've also learned the true first thing about being an astronomer: getting bothered by the weather.

Your questions:

Yes, everything is upside down in the world of telescopes. There are adapters turn stuff right, but my suggestion is just to grin and bear it, it'll become second nature soon. And some people use a red dot finder like the Telrad instead of a finderscope for this reason.

The front gover goes off completely. The small cap is when you want to limit the light coming through for some reason. Be advised that the small hole isn't small enough to allow viewing of the sun, you need specialised solar film for that or you will suffer permanent eye damage.

And all telescopes seem to suffer from bad manuals. I recommend searching for youtube videos or asking here on the forum if there is something you feel you need to brush up on.

Good to have you on board.

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Thank you all so much for the warm welcome!

Thank you VigdisVZ for the advice ... I will have a look for some YouTube videos to get me on my way. I won't point this thing at the sun either, until I know EXACTLY what I am doing!

Waltatyork, I have only seen some pictures of the kind of stuff this scope can do on Google Images, but it all looks very impressive ... unfortunately I am a complete amateur and the weather has not been in my favour since getting this scope so I cannot share any experience except a pic of my neighbour's chimney, but I'm sure there are plenty of people on here who can help!

PeterW, I'm in Langley, probably about 15 miles from Hampton!

Please let it be a clear night tonight :) ...

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