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2012-my year of re-joining the Astronomy fold.


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I've now reached the venerable age of 54.I've always had an interest in astronomy,watching 'The sky at night'from an early age(if my parents let me stay up! Sir Patrick,I'll forever be in your debt).I joined the B.A.A. when I was 14,got a scope,and attended societies,when I could. Then,I drifted away,as other interests took over,though I still used to watch S@N,could point out the stars,planets and constellations to anyone that was interested.This last year has seen a re-awakening.In feb.,I boughr my Celestron Skymaster 15X 70's,followed by my 130p in April.I have to say that I discovered this forum at the beginning of the year,and I have to give a BIG THANKYOU to everyone in this marvelous online community that we share.Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences(only mathematics could be older,if I'm right),and regardless of political persuation,colour,creed,or religion,it unites everyone in the wonders of the marvelous universe that we inhabit.Fellow Astronermers,THANK YOU!

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