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I have just taken delivery of a tal 100rs on an eq5 tripod i used it last night for the first time and the focuser only worked intermittently, ie the knob turned but nothing moved, i had a look at it today tried tightening and slackening the two screws but it still only worked with assistance. i also have found a rubber washer which has come from goodness knows where. should i take the entire end of and see if i can fix it, im loath to do this in case i invalidate my guarantee. any advice

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Tal 100RS has a Crayford type focuser which requires a small amount of friction to work properly. One of the screws underneath the focuser is the friction adjuster screw and the other one is used the lock the focuser drawtube in the required position, the rearmost screw is the focus lock. The rubber washer ( O ring ?) should fit into a groove on the finderscope.

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Hi Graham and welcome to the forum. Nice scope that you've got there and many members have good things to say about them. I think Peter's advice has helped sort out your dilemma - fingers crossed.

Clear skies and enjoy the forum.


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Peter is correct regarding the small shiny screws on the underside of the focuser, one adjusts the amount of "grip", the other is to lock the focuser tube in place, but the o ring if its about 10-12 mm diameter loops over the 2 shiny screws i mentioned, to prevent them from falling out if subjected to vibration or such like

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Peter is correct regarding the small shiny screws on the underside of the focuser, one adjusts the amount of "grip", the other is to lock the focuser tube in place, but the o ring if its about 10-12 mm diameter loops over the 2 shiny screws i mentioned, to prevent them from falling out if subjected to vibration or such like

I must confess when I first got my TAl100rs, I struggled with the focusser for the first couple of days. Then I realised I had to really tighten up one of the screws and loosen off the other - suddenly it all came together! Once you slacken off the lock screw, you can afford to tighten the "tension" screw a fair bit so the focusser doesn't slip. If you don't untighten the lock screw then nothing will move at all. Felt like a right idiot once I'd realised what I was doing wrong... . :p .

The scope is great, though, so please persevere with it :)...you wont regret it!

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Hi Graham,

Welcome to SGL.

I'm so new here I feel a bit odd welcoming people already, but you have the object of my desire - a TAL 100RS.

I hope to have one in the next few weeks and I look forward to you describing your experiences as you work out how to get the most out of it.

Happy viewing!


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Thanks for all the help, I have had a tinker & it seems to be working OK. I will have a better idea if i can ever get to use it, surely it cant rain forever ?. I have been interested in astronomy for a long time, I bought a Tal 1 reflector many years ago & with kids and what have you didnt use it very much, its been in the shed for years gathering dust. I retired recently and thought it time I rekindled my interest, I was going to buy a pair of large binoculars, for ease of mobility, but when I looked into it, the cost was such I thought I might as well bite the bullit & buy a refracter. I had read nothing but glowing reports about the Tal 100 rs and decided to invest in one, Had to do a bit of arm twisting with my wife, It duly arrived & I unpacked it & put it together, I must admit it looked so impressive, I wondered if I had gone a bit over the top just for casual observing, but that soon passed & now I am busy re learning my way around the sky, & looking forward to some clear skies & hopefully a back lawn that you dont sink up to your ankles in. Thanks again for your help & hope to have many conversations in the future.

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Glad to hear it is all working OK for you now Graham.

Lovely post, Graham. Wish you luck with the weather! As I said, I'm out for a TAL 100RS too so am looking forward to your impressions as you get back into it.

All the best!


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