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Comet C/2012 K5 (Linear)

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Tried to find it this morning; at 6am the Moon was making the sky too bright then, an hour and a bit later, just as the Moon was about to set, blooming cloud came over! Oh the joys of faint object observation in the UK!

... I will know exactly where to look if stellarium's data file is accurate.
Download the latest orbital data from the MPC.
Will it be possible in 10x50s?
Will depend very much on your skies -- you will need dark, transparent ones.
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Cheers Steve.

The fun of this hobby is the hunt!

Just like problem-solving - it's great to solve a problem but the euphoria is short-lived, and then I set myself the next challenge.

And thanks for your excellent Binocular Sky site. Wonderful resource!



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The full moon and early dawn prevented me from seeing the comet, but I was able to pinpoint its exact position next to the stars where it should have been seen - a tiny bit to the south-west of HIP43375.


I know it was wishful thinking to spot it, but, in -7.5C, I gave it a darn good try :laugh:

Clear night this coming night, so I will have another go this evening before the moon rises if the forecast proves correct.

Oh well, at least I saw Saturn :laugh:


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(sorry hit post too soon)

I'm using the two stars joined by the red line to point to the area with the yellow line. Just couldn't quite make it out just now :embarassed:

I'l put the kiddies in bed and walk to a slightly less light polluted area later on this evening.

Auriga is riding high so this is the best chance to catch it before the moon rises.


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(sorry hit post too soon)

I'm using the two stars joined by the red line to point to the area with the yellow line. Just couldn't quite make it out just now :embarassed:

I'l put the kiddies in bed and walk to a slightly less light polluted area later on this evening.

Auriga is riding high so this is the best chance to catch it before the moon rises.


wish you success - and reading your findings.
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OK I hope you follow this...

Configuration => Plugins => Solar System Editor

Make sure "Load at startup" is checked

Press "configure"

Go to "Solar System" tab

Press "Import orbital elements in MPC format..."

Go to "Online search" tab

In the Query the MPC's field type in "c/2012 k5"

You should get confirmation that the object has been found.


Check the box and then press "Add Objects"

Now close down Stellarium and restart.

Going back through the configure to Solar System you should now see the comet listed


When you run Stellarium you might need to turn the solar system objects off then on again post-27346-0-87402700-1357155437.jpg

It has been a bit temperamental and I figured this out by a lot of playing around and fiddling.

If all is well and you do this tonight you should see the comet marked in Auriga about here


If you don't zoom in enough it won't appear, but this might depend on your settings for magnitude limit or atmosphere/light pollution. I have still to master some of the finer points and controls of Stellarium in these areas.



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