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ANIMATION of the GRS over 2 hours


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For a long time I've been trying to get a long GRS transit animation done but the seeing just hasn't been consistent enough. On the 10th it stayed good for 2 hours and I finally managed it. Though the seeing could have been better overall, it was good enough to pull out some interesting detail (for an 8 inch scope anyway) which is much more visible in animations like these.

So what you're looking at here is 78 frames shot over 1 hour and 50 minutes to be precise. Thats... seventy eight.... individual pictures.... which is a LOT of processing. But the end result is probably my smoothest animation to date. The pictures were shot almost back to back. Just seconds between them in some cases. Its a big animation this one so may not play properly on all devices first time. Needs to load in in some cases (tablets etc).


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Many thanks all. It was a labour of love and frustration this one.

Hi Dror, Nice to see a fellow animation addict. I don't think I could actually stay awake for 10 hours, you almost managed it once though didn't you? isn't 8 hours your record? truly impressive!. Maybe one day when I'm retired and living in Barbados ;) Plus if I tried a 10 hour shoot at the moment I'd probably need to have my toes amputated afterwards!

Stev74, I used the animation palette in photoshop CS5 to turn the 78 images into a gif file. I first needed to create a 78 layer photoshop file, line them all up and colour and density balance them, then its a case of creating an animation from all those layers and then duplicating and reversing them for the portion when the animation 'bounces back' on itself. So in total its actually made up of 156 frames. There are loads of other ways of making animations using various different pieces of software but I really enjoy the graft involved in making it in photoshop. Guess thats one of the reasons I chose my username ;)

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Many thanks all. It was a labour of love and frustration this one.

Hi Dror, Nice to see a fellow animation addict. I don't think I could actually stay awake for 10 hours, you almost managed it once though didn't you? isn't 8 hours your record? truly impressive!. Maybe one day when I'm retired and living in Barbados ;) Plus if I tried a 10 hour shoot at the moment I'd probably need to have my toes amputated afterwards!

Stev74, I used the animation palette in photoshop CS5 to turn the 78 images into a gif file. I first needed to create a 78 layer photoshop file, line them all up and colour and density balance them, then its a case of creating an animation from all those layers and then duplicating and reversing them for the portion when the animation 'bounces back' on itself. So in total its actually made up of 156 frames. There are loads of other ways of making animations using various different pieces of software but I really enjoy the graft involved in making it in photoshop. Guess thats one of the reasons I chose my username ;)

I've recently done a much more basic animation of Jupiter for the first time (17 images) using widows movie maker, I don't have Photoshop but I believe you can do something similar in GIMP, thanks for the extra info, I enjoyed doing the animation and it's something I like to try again. :smiley:

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This one of the best animations I have seen and you must be very pleased with such a great result ... well worth the time and effort.


Thanks Alan, I am definitely pleased with it but... there's always room for improvement, and a bigger scope ;)

Thanks again to everyone for the kind comments. :)

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