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Finally some clear skies

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So we finally had clear skies where I am at. This is my finals week so I was not able to go out to some darker places but I just wanted to see what I could see in my neighborhood. I live in a small city 80,000 or so people so our light pollution is not horrible but still not the best conditions. I was taking a look at Orion and Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, Rigel, Saiph, Alnitak, Alnilam, Mintaka, I Ori, and C Ori were all clearly visible with the naked eye. Jupiter was bright as can be and Aldebaran was very clear with a nice orange/red tint to it. Unfortunately I could not find Ursa Minor due to it being over the center of the city were the light is much more intense. I am hoping to observe some more tomorrow but in a much darker area so I can take in some more of the constellations and learn. All in all I am happy with my first naked eye observations within my city!

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