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First EP upgrades BST or other?


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Hi guys n gals!

Apologies for starting a new topic when I am sure any questions I have are already answered in this forum but with Xmas just around the corner I have a tight deadline in which to inform my other half which EP I want :D

I am going to purchase a TV 32mm plossl for myself as everyone rates it from what I've read.


But I was also looking for some £50 each EPs which I can get as gifts off people. I have read a few reviews and am keen to get a couple of BST Explorer 60s but would love some suggestions on what to get that will compliment my set up the best.


I have the Skywatcher Explorer 200p EQ and the supplied 10mm and 25mm EP and 2x Barlow.

So the question is which 2 BST would people recommend or other recommendations? I was thinking of maybe getting the 5mm BST and the 18mm/15mm BST.

Thanks in advance!

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You probably will not get a great deal of chances to make use of the 5mm, so perhaps the 8mm and one other. The other depends on if it is to be an alternative to the 8mm or something for the mid range. I tend to find that for detail I swap between the lower values a lot more so would have said 8mm and 12mm.

I find that 4 eyepieces are probably the best with 2 for high magnification, 1 medium and 1 wide. As you are looking at the TV 32 that is wide, that leaves a 2 out of 3 choice of 2 for high magnification or 1 high and 1 medium. Will say that whichever way you go you will want that other eyepiece at some time.

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Hey thanks for all the replies!

Ok I think I will go for the 18mm and the 8mm on the basis that I will have a set looking like this...

32mm TV Plossl

25mm Skywatcher super 25

18mm BST Explorer

16mm TV Plossl 32mm (Barlow)

12.5mm Skywatcher super 25 (Barlow)

10mm Skywatcher super 10

9mm BST Explorer 18mm (barlow)

8mm BST Explorer

5mm Skywatcher super 10 (Barlow)

4mm BST Explorer 8mm (Barlow)

I hope I'm not missing any important factors which I haven't thought about but how does that look for a start and I can then upgrade on the Skywatcher super 25 and 10 at a later date.

Is there much difference with Barlow quality would it be a wise investment to upgrade the standard 2x skywatcher barlow that I have?

Thanks again!

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That seems to be a nice range but 2 things come to mind:

1 Barlowing a 32mm Plossl or even the Super MA 25 will make the eye relief massive, I found it near unusable.

2 You'll probably find you'll never use anything lower then 8mm

I stick by my original suggestion of the 12mm and 18mm BST:

32mm TV Plossl

25mm Skywatcher super 25 - I'll be very surpirised if this gets used once you've got the 32mm TV

18mm BST Explorer

16mm TV Plossl 32mm (Barlow) - if you can get on with it

12.5mm Skywatcher super 25 (Barlow) - I really wouldn't bother, also see above

12mm BST Explorer

10mm Skywatcher super 10 - I doubt you'll ever use this again to be honest

9mm BST Explorer 18mm (Barlow)

8mm BST Explorer

6mm BST Explorer (Barlow)

5mm Skywatcher super 10 (Barlow) - This barlows surprisingly well, but 5mm is unlikely to get much use

4mm BST Explorer 8mm (Barlow)

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Ok Today is deadline day haha. Still a little undecided on the last EP after deciding on the TV 32mm and BST 18mm.

As I am still very new to this would someone be kind enough to explain a little the pros/cons of the BST 12mm and 8mm What they would be best at viewing mainly such as planetary/DSO?

Thanks again!

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I would go for the 8mm for sure as its planetary views are excellent and Barlows well when seeing permits. I personally would go for something in the 30-32mm range for deep sky observing, your TV plossl will do the trick. Other than that I think with a barlow, you have most bases covered.

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:D I have gone for the 18mm and 8mm in the end as I wanted something a little higher power than the 10mm I have and if I like these BST's I am likely going to treat myself to the rest of the range at a later date :D

Thanks for all the advice!

Can't wait till xmas now!

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  • 4 weeks later...

After reading this, decided to order the 8mm and 18mm BST Explorer dual ED- figure it s good set to start with as the supplied ones that came with the Synscan 127 are not brilliant !!,,,,,,

Would these eyepiece's also work with the Meade ETX 90 and Mira Ceti as these are the scopes I use more of and plan to keep for a loooong time :grin:

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In a word,,, WOW !!!

mIne turned up today and only had a few minutes with the 10mm on the 127 mak but honestly, its like getting a new pair of eyes- everything is much sharper and much easier to see thru,plus as a glasses wearer with astigmatism and varifocals(!!) the overall benefit is simply amazing.. Well worth the money.

Now to decide what to do with my other lenses- mostly Meade MA.

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Want to invest in another but can't decide so wanted to seek the benefit of advice here. I have the bundled Celestron 25mm and 9mm, a 6.4 plössl (that's almost unusable for me) and my BST 8mm.

Would I be better getting a 25mm BST to replace the Celestron 25mm or going for an 18mm to give me something slightly different?

I'm a glasses wearer (astigmatism).

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Have to be honest, only reason I went for the 8mm and 18mm BST is simply because soo many people recommended them !!

Did kinda take a chance because of my astigmatism but it was worth it- will probably also get a 12 and 25mm so as to complete the set ,so to speak.

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