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Pretty good seeing on the 10th


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Last night was quite a dream actually. Humidity was down so it took an hour for any dew to form. Seeing was good, and unusually... stayed good for the whole 2 hours I was out. The GRS was passing at a reasonable hour so no late night needed. Plus my gear all worked well, my polar alignment was good and my focus was in the bag. Why can't every night be like that?

Anywho, from the 80 captures I did this is one of the good ones from the time when the GRS was right on the meridian. There will be a two hours of rotation animation coming at some point, once I get time to wade through all these captures.


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especially using registax 6 which seems to crash more often than it actually processes!

I'm using AS!2 for planetary image stacking now. I really struggle to spot the difference between Registax v6 and AS!2 and the latter is so much faster and more stable. Then I pull the stacked TIFF into Registax for wavelets etc.


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Hi JH, a good capture, nice one. I agree with James that AS!2 is much faster and stable than R6 and with a quad-core i7 it can really zip along (8 threads). I did some imaging about the same time last night so it'll be interesting to compare notes although I had the distinct impression that my sky had some wispy high cloud in it - certainly not a Milky Way night.


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Can you run multiple versions of AS!2 at once.. by which I mean... back in the days I was using Registax 5 I'd have it opened 3 times at once processing 3 captures individually to get through them all quicker. Try that with Registax 6 and it throws its toys out of the pram and then just dies. Usually takes your computer with it.

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Hi JH, I've just opened 2 sessions of AS!2 and ran the R and G avi's simultaneously. Both files are 1.5Gb's (16-bit captures) and while the processing was in progress on the 'R' file it seemed that the 'G' was frozen. As soon as the 'R' processing was finished the 'G' popped up as being done. One caveat, however, is that this was run on a well-endowed Quad core i7 machine - how a laptop would cope though, is as Patrick often said "Well, we just don't know" .

Drop me a PM if you need any further clarification.


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Hi JH, I've just opened 2 sessions of AS!2 and ran the R and G avi's simultaneously. Both files are 1.5Gb's (16-bit captures) and while the processing was in progress on the 'R' file it seemed that the 'G' was frozen. As soon as the 'R' processing was finished the 'G' popped up as being done. One caveat, however, is that this was run on a well-endowed Quad core i7 machine - how a laptop would cope though, is as Patrick often said "Well, we just don't know" .

Drop me a PM if you need any further clarification.


Thanks Bud, might give you a shout if I find time for an upgrade. Always handy to know people who... know. Think I may need to invest in a new laptop aswell, mines good but... what the hell, I just want a new laptop.

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Its good when things go your way. Some nights i find everything just goes wrong. Look foward to seeing the large animation. I looked out side here on the 10th, and stars were twinkling like mad. Got a stinking cold so gave it a miss.

Probably a good call Neil. There were brass monkeys that had died of hypothermia lying all over my lawn. I still can't feel my toes 17 hours later. Plus the seeing wasn't perfect. Captures are a bit softer than I'd like and I was only working at F20.

I've had many more nights when things don't go my way than nights when they do. Like the time I forgot to lock my mount and put the tube on before the counterweight. Or the time my electric focuser batteries ran out, or the neighbours cat jumping on my laptop. Or my dew shield velcro pinging open 20 seconds into a perfect seeing capture. Its a test of patience and temper, this hobby. ;)

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Its always on great nights, something very time consuming happens. then a hour later you fix the problem. And cloud starts dropping the histos on the captures. like some messed up curse. Been there done that. satch bolts break, mount wont start up. ic capture wont regonize the camera. Its then you hear a desperate cry echoing around. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY you xxxx

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I'm using AS!2 for planetary image stacking now. I really struggle to spot the difference between Registax v6 and AS!2 and the latter is so much faster and more stable. Then I pull the stacked TIFF into Registax for wavelets etc.


That's my workflow too! :)

Great, great shot Jupiteraholic! You're taking some great images!

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