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Jupiter Dec 1st De-rotate comparrison.

Space Cowboy

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Hi Pete thats strange, thats happening even when you do cropping on castartor ? thought i remebered a 7 gig file going down to below 2 gigs recently. Just to make sure i ran it again using crop on castrator. It went from 7.75 GB to 1.68 GB ? wonder why its not reducing the file size as much, the way it is with me ?

HI Neil,

I have tried Castrator again and I still can't get a 7Gb file to come out under 4Gb.

To be honest there doesn't seem to be a lot to crop in castrator as there is not a lot of free space around the planet itself so I would'nt have expected a large reduction in file size.

Anyhow I am a bit stumped with this one.

I have tried to convert the original 2.5Gb mono file prior to debaying (which bumps it up to 7Gb) to a SER file using PIPP which WinJupos will then derotate but then PIPP will not convert it back to AVI (says all frames disregarded??). VDub wont read SER format either, so not sure if there is another alternative for the conversion.

I am going to try splitting the debayered file into sub 2Gb segments in VDub and see if I can derotate each individual AVI and then rejoin them (using the same measurment file for each). Not sure if this will work or not to be honest, but other than this I am running out of ideas on how to deal with the larger files and WinJupos.



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Stuart, I have run another test on a large (7Gb) AVI.

You are correct in that it outputs AVI format after derotation but it has maxed out at 2Gb . A lot of frames lost. Is it me or am I missing something here.

WinJupos is fairly new to me and I am struggling with it on the large files. Sub 2Gb files no problem, but surely the whole point is to be able to derotate long captures and large files .


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Pete are you using the latest version I think its 10. something? Its the version that has a field de-rotation option on the video de-rotation menu. I've no doubt that mine has been outputting the full 6min avi and the only problem is it needs fixing and saving in vdub before AS!2 will open it.

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