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second attemept with lifecam

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i am still learning my way around registax, but i managed to get a few good videos of jupiter. finding it hard to get a good alignment since jupiter moves across the view. this is prob the best i have done so far



but some times when i stack the frames i dont get a picture but just a black section, or kind of a blurry mess.

does it matter that jupiter drifts across the view? i

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Yes it does matter if jupiter drifts across the view! If you dont have a tracking electric mount then move it youre self to keep it in the center during the whole rec. session. Track it anyway u can its ok if its bouncy you just have to keep it in the center then use the slide bar to find that perfect moment. I also have a lifecam its the studio! Ps. registax hates drifting.

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I am by no means a pro with registax. But I do own a dob and have been in the same situation. Ideally you want the object to stay in the same place of the capture, but sometimes you have to make do with what you have.

What I can suggest is that you try using registax 5. There are a couple of alignment options "Track object" and "predict track" that you can check that may help. That's all I can offer. lol

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ok thanks, i will try registax 5 when i get home from work. and will try tracking it next time. hopefully tonight if weather permits. any one know why i have the circle and line in my first pic?

also going to have a good read up on registax.

i have been looking at tracking mounts and thinking of getting http://www.firstlightoptics.com/skywatcher-mounts/skywatcher-supatrak-mount-and-tripod.html

my scope will fit on this wont it?

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Strange, I like the blue of the first one, no idea why. :eek:

I had assumed that you had put the line and the circle on for a reason - to highlighy something.

If it has "appeared" by itself then in simple term not a clue what it is or could be.

What scope have you?

Also check the cost of the goto option of the same mount. it may not be significantly more and if that is so then it may be worthwhile the extra. I have no idea of the price difference - still waking up.

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Strange, I like the blue of the first one, no idea why. :eek:

I had assumed that you had put the line and the circle on for a reason - to highlighy something.

If it has "appeared" by itself then in simple term not a clue what it is or could be.

Registax puts those in at the stacking phase, I think to show how much variation there is in alignment.


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my scope is skywatcher explorer 130 eq2 and i was looking at a motor for it, but was wondering if its just easier to get the whole mount, ill probs just go for the motor tho.

i had heard about castrator, but i couldnt get any of my files to load for some reason, wil have a go with registax 5, though i should read a proper guide as it

i cant find a download link for ppip, though i have really looked much

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thanks for the link :) been having a play and seen a vast improvement (ithink anyway :))



mabe see the red spot to the right? going to be playing with this for a while now, just need more footage :)

i have some of the moon ill give it a try with

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That looks like the GRS to me, nice work. How many frames did you have in you AVI to stack?

When you run your AVI through PIPP it is worth also setting these options:

Processing Options->Enable Histogram Stretch = Enabled

Processing Options->Stretch R, G and B channels individually = Enabled

That should give you a better starting point to work on your colour balance.

When you get you next captures I would work on you colour/white balance so the reg, green and blue histograms are roughly equal.



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