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Dark Sites

Matt Scunthorpe

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I was just wondering where everyone has there particular dark site (if you use them). I like to get out of the garden because of the extra LP, and quite alot of the sky is blocked by surrounding houses.

In the last few weeks ive been trying to find a decent one near me, but seems that everywhere quiet and dark that i seem to find, is also a place for other people (probably doing stuff they shouldn’t be doing) to be. Like turned up at one id found recently, which is a long road which leads to a dead end, to find a car already parked there, I didn’t press on further as there’s only room for one car really, and i was on my own on this occasion.

I keep meaning to find some farms around me, and write to the farmer and ask if i use a corner of his field etc, sure i saw someone say they did this on here, worth i try i think, and better than trespassing if you have permission.

Where do you guys use? Laybys, fields etc?

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I would try calling in on one or two farmers to see if you can gain access to your own spot. Some of them are happy to have people they know about due to the amount of theft that goes on these days.

I have a good spot about 20 miles away from you, If you fancy pooping over sometime on a good night you are very welcome.

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One thing you could do is get an OS map for your area 1:25 scale and identify places including farms on there. There is a lot more around than you think. Being a regular walker I have come across lots of places in my area where I could go and be out of sight and you never see a soul. I live in a town and within a 10 minute drive there is a country park carpark right out of the way and is a very nice dark site. Occasionaly get a dog walker but thats about it. Farm owners are good to ask as are cricket clubs. My other site is 20 minutes away and is the private gated car park controlled by the angling club I am in. Hope that gives you some idea, it really does make a difference getting away from urban lighting. Good luck hope the ideas help.

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