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camera best suited for a EQ2

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As my son and I are completely new to star gazing, we have no idea what would be the most compatible camera to use with his EQ2 telescope, let alone know how to mount and operate said camera.

Having viewed the moon for the very first time Wed night, I would like to keep the enthusiasm going by taking some pictures

Any tips or better still step by step instructions would be warmly welcomed by us both.

Waiting in anticipation,


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hi alfinstar12, what sort of telescope have you got mounted on the eq2 mount? there are quite a few options the cheapest being hold your camera phone to the eyepiece although this will take quite a steady hand and a fair bit of patience, alternitavely there is a bracket that will hold the phone at the ep (eyepiece). another alternative is to adapt a webcam to fit the ep although this will require having a laptop outside. there are threads on this site that explain the process of doing this. thirdly you can buy an attachment that allows you to connect a dslr directly to the scope. hope this helps


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Thanks for the replies, we have a Skywatcher Exp 130p and a Nikon L810 digital camera, it's quite a heavy camera but if I'm right in thinking, the telescope has a " piggyback " bracket, not sure if this is for mounting a camera to the telescope or if it would be easier to use something completely different.

thanks for every ones patience!


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