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Does Brightness slider affect captured video on SPC900?


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I've just found a post where someone says the brightness slider only affects what you see on screen and not the captured video.

I try to set my target 'exposure' by balancing the gain, exposure and brightness controls. As you adjust the brightness it changes what you see and so you end up adjusting the other controls to compensate, which would mean changing the gain and exposure without a correct reference. Should the brightness therefore always be left at some neutral middle value ?

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I always leave brightness at default with the SPC900. I always understood it to modify the raw data and as such I didn't want to change it because I think it effectively reduces dynamic range, but I have to admit that I've never checked for myself. Perhaps doing so would be sensible. I'll give it a whirl later.


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Nice one James.

I don't even know what the default settings are anymore! 50 I assume?

This is the post I was reading regarding the SPC900 settings

I think he has one thing wrong though. Normally you would want the gain as low as possible (vs exposure) because gain adds noise. However the 'onion ring' effect seems to occur when you sharpen if you don't keep the gain setting quite high. I think this is worse than a little noise.

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Yes, you have to tailor the gain setting to the conditions and target. I believe the brightness scale runs from 0 to 127, so I have it set to somewhere close to 63 from memory.

I feel sure that the brightness setting must affect the raw data. In the Linux driver at least, I'm sure the brightness setting is transferred to the camera. The driver itself does nothing with the value. It must affect the image datastream coming from the camera as far as I can see.


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