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I have posted this in anothttp://stargazerslounge.com/topic/168182-anyone-got-clear-skies/her topic but thought id post here try and get help as you can see i had an accident last night and broke my binoculars im a bit strapped for cash with Christmaspost-20428-0-14467900-1353264068_thumb.j and two grandchildren get presents for so need a cheap pair are these any good http://www.ebay.co.u...=item3ca2a4a942 if not could you point me in the right direction please.

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They seem very cheap for new bins, and I'm not familiar with the manufacturer. I would say buy & try them but they have a 10% surcharge on their returns policy. You could always keep an eye out for a 2nd hand pair of Zeniths,or something similar, these can usually be picked up for £10 - £15, and are reasonably good for astronomy.

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