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SPC900 with and without Baader Neodymium Filter (light polllution)


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I've had good results observing the planets with my Baader Neodymium Filter. It seems to boost the contrast of planetary details. I tried imaging with it in the train and surprised to see a reduction in detail, though perhaps arguably a more pleasing colour.

I thought I would share the results.

C9.25 with x3 Barlow and SPC900NC webcam (with permanent IR block filter attached). Seeing was below average.


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Wow. yeah, very interesting. I wasn't expecting that - if it works visually, is it the reduction in light hitting the sensor do you think? At first I thought it had somehow altered the focus but looking again, it looks like it's just blurred the detail doesn't it? And i presume that means there's no way of getting around it by altering gain, contrast etc?

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I prefer the second, without the Neodymium Filter, there seems to be less blue false colour, and the detail is more apparent. It's interesting that it seems to have more detail visually with the filter, but when you actually image it, the detail is actually less apparent.

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