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Baader Glasspath correctors

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I'm considering replacing my current binoviewers with the Baader Maxbrite Binoviewers. Now these come with a choice of 'glasspath correctors' which I thought was to allow your scope to reach focus by acting as a barlow type lens. I don't need this facility as my scope was designed to use with binoviewers so has the correct focal lengths etc. the problem is, I have found the following extract in one advert for the Maxbrites.....

Note: A Glaspath-Corrector is not a Barlow ! The reason for the registered brand name is the fact that the large mass of glass accumulated inside the binocular viewer would create a severe prismatic color error (similar to the prism that the teacher uses in the classroom to catch the sunlight through a shaded window and to project a spectrum. Each object would show prismatic fringing along it’s sides. It is the main purpose of the Baader-Glasspath-CorrectorTM to correct for this lateral color and to enable the viewer to work up to it’s full potential. Only in second place it also performs as a barlow lens...

My question is will I be able to use the Maxbrites without a glasspath corrector? I don't notice any of the above problems with my current binoviewers.



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Yes you can still use them without the GPC's.

As well as acting as a Barlow and correcting for colour introduced by the prisms they also enable longer FL eyepieces to be used to obtain more magnification whilst still retaining the eye relief of those eyepieces.

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You can definitely use the bino without, but as the excerpt states, the corrector still has its justification (and it was designed by Roland Christen of Astro Physics) so I would still go with the 1.25 GWK if you don't need more magnification for the best image quality.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried my Baader MK5 with the T2 diagonal and a 2.6 GPC in a Tal 100RS and it just had enough intravel to get into focus. Unfortunately the Tal 100RS tube is a bit to long. Even though it has a 2" focuser i did not manage to get my 2" eps into focuse due to lack of in travel.

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Thanks guys, just need to find someone that stocks them.

I did manage to get focus in the TV85 by using a 2x ED barlow element in the T2 diagonal then into the barlow body to act as an extension tube. All gave very pleasing views of the Moon, didn't notice any color issues and worked well down to the 10.5mm plossls I've got. Maybe I'll try them in the Tal and 127 before ordering the corrector.

I had the same problem with a "2 diagonal in my 100RS, the tube could do with being shorter

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