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M31 mosaic - 28 panels, 70 hours etc. etc.


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Not sure I have sen such a large mosaic on M31 before, what a task! Worth it though, the resolution looks great, what were you working at in arcsecs/pixel??

Nice to see the dust nearer the core blended so that you can see it, so often the core of M31 is so bright that this important information is missed out.



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Stunning. I have to keep reminding myself that the stars in that image are close to us and that M31 is far away, and in many ways similar to how we might see our own galaxy from the outside. And our entire solar system would be a totally indiscernable (is that a word?) speck somewhere towards the edge.


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Thanks for your comments guys!

I tried to improve it a bit.

Not sure I have sen such a large mosaic on M31 before, what a task! Worth it though, the resolution looks great, what were you working at in arcsecs/pixel??

Nice to see the dust nearer the core blended so that you can see it, so often the core of M31 is so bright that this important information is missed out.



Luminance was at 0.56''/pixel


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