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Telrads and dew

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When I had the scope out a couple of nights ago I noticed the Telrad had dewed up pretty much totally. I know you can buy dew shields for Telrads, does anyone know if there's a UK supplier, or a cheap source of US ones? Even how to make a decent home made one?

Also, since it's not optic grade glass/plastic on a Telrad, I assume it's okay to just wipe the dew off with me jumper?! :lol:

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DONT get the dew pad for the Telrad that you just "stick" to the side with an elastic band... it just heats up the plastic case, which doesnt conduct heat very well,and your sighting glass still dews up (been there, done that)

Instead, get the telrad dew heater (AC281 Telrad Heater element) that sits inside the glass "triangle"... works a treat on mine.

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