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Stars and strippers

The Sailor

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I liked one of the comments below the article which read, "[removed word] society complain to police because layby used for [removed word] is full of telescopes". :grin: On a more serious note, it can be such a pain dealing with these individuals, especially when you are observing the night sky with fellow astronomers and a total of 27 cars decide to stop by to see what you are doing! :mad:


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Given pause for thought I'm sure they'd take the lead in claiming they were being hounded by dogged do-gooders who were actually crying wolf and barking up the wrong tree. It's about time society threw 'em a bone, no doubt.


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I think you would have trouble passing some of the noise there off as hedgehogs ;)

Not if you'd actually heard hedgehogs getting intimate, you wouldn't. I'd never have imagined such a small animal could make so much noise.


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Took this yank a while to understand what was even going on.

Reminds me of the time I traveled to Melbourne Australia on a business trip... was sitting at a table, alone with the father of a (Aussie) fellow I was working with. He's telling this story, going on, and on... suddenly he stops and asks "are you a little hard of hearing son?". I replied, "Sorry, no, I just don't understand a word you're saying." (I don't usually have problems with English or Australians/NZ, but this guy had a REALLY heavy accent, and was tossing in a lot of language, I didn't know the meaning of).

I love this forum by the way... a wealth of information, and I enjoy the perspective coming from enthusiasts from across the pond.

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I love this forum by the way... a wealth of information, and I enjoy the perspective coming from enthusiasts from across the pond.

Good to have you with us. I think it was George Bernard Shaw who said:- "England and America are two countries separated by a common language". Seems very true we can't even agree on spelling :confused:

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"Sorry, no, I just don't understand a word you're saying."

At least that was someone from another country. When I was in my teens I happened to be on the road outside our house one day when the farmer who lived at the farm down the lane alongside our house happened to walk up. He spoke to me and I had to ask him to repeat himself several times before I opted for nodding in a non-committal kind of way because his accent and use of the local dialect were so pronounced that I genuinely couldn't make out a single word of what he was saying.


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