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Planets during the day


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As the moon is currently an excellent reference point for finding Jupiter, I thought I'd try to find it during the day (Jupiter, that is, not the moon!) and, lo and behold, I can just make it out, even in full daylight.

My question is, what have you seen during full daylight, with or without a scope or bins? And no 'goto' cheating!!!

And dont look at the Sun!!!

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I had my best views of Venus and Mars in daylight. I could only just see them naked eye but ehen i looked through the ep, i could see dark patches on Mars instead of just an orange disk and the cresent of Venus was so clear and defined.

I was well pleased.


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I've watched a lunar occultation of Venus in a mackerel sky. At one point the Moon was hidden but I spotted Venus in a break in the clouds by just knowing what part of the sky it was in. I've also watched a lunar occultation of Regulus about 11am through my 8" Dob.

Who says you can't see stars ion daytime?

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I can see one star at the moment :)

I have enough problems with sun light ruining my night time viewing without trying during the day :shocked: Seriously though, just the obvious one of Venus which is obviously visible quite often.

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