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next step

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hi guys, long time no post.

i'm slowly getting back into the hobby and am thinking of my next steps setup wise.

currently i run a skywatcher 130pm and am looking at upgrading, i've always fancied a dob and have recently been eyeing up the skywatcher 250 dob.

is this a wise step or is there a better route for me?

i live near to wigan, in greater manchester, some light pollution. mainly interested in planets, and clusters but am orking towards dso's

i humbly seek your advice


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the 10" dob would be a major step up in aperture (3.69x more light) plus build quality I suspect.

everything will be better basically other than extremely wide field clusters.

the only possible issue would be if you were eventually looking to go down the imaging route as 10" scopes are costly to mount for this. if not then it's a great move.

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cheers for the replies guys, looking at my current budget i think i may have to go for the skywatcher 200p dob, rather than the 250. is this still a decent step up for me?

reason for the change is that i am also eyeing up the revelation eyepiece set from FLO

is this a good set? i'm still rocking the original basic ep's i got with my 130pm

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