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Tal 100RS OTA query

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I've recently sold my scope, a Skyliner 200P, as I'm downsizing from a 2-bedroom house with garden to a 1-bedroom second floor flat (the council's idea, not mine). Although the 200P was a great scope I didn't use it that often and didn't fancy lugging it up and down several flights of stairs. I'm looking at a two scope solution for my observing needs: a 5-6 inch Newtonian for DSOs and a 3-4 inch refractor for lunar / planetary / stars. My preference is for AZ mounts and no Goto if possible. Other scope combos are a possibility at this stage and I'm a visual observer only so imaging isn't a requirement.

I'm considering matching the Tal 100RS OTA with the Skywatcher AZ4 stainless steel tripod / mount combo. Have any other Tal owners used this combo and will the AZ4 take the weight of this OTA?

Thanks in advance.

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I've owned both but at separate times. My AZ-4 (steel legs) has handled my ED120 refractor reasonably well for quick sessions though. The ED120 is around the same length as the TAL100 but a fair bit heavier.

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For my bus trips to some desert lands near-by I use the AZ-4 mount with steel legs with the 4" f/10 Tal 100rs refractor, a 9x50 finder, Telrad, a 1.25" diagonal and eyepieces and this whole set up is solid and extremely stable. The damping is very quick - even at high magnification with this kind of OTA length. It's easy to carry and can be set up from scratch in just a few minutes.

The AZ-4's action is relatively smooth but due to not having slow motion controls, you might find you give it just a little too much tug when tracking at high power and the object you're observing darts out of view. This happens more often the higher up you go towards the zentih. It isn't a big deal for the tension on the axis can be adjusted to quite a fine degree, but I imagine there will be occasions where you lose your object for a second or two. Good balancing will be required and you need to be alert when switching from one eyepiece to another if there is a significant difference of weight, for again, the vertical axis can slip a little.

All in all, it is a most excellent mount and tripod and I'm extremely happy with it. Go for the steel legs rather than the aluminium for extra stability and the chance to use different scopes on it in the future.

I imagine you've read all about the Tal 100rs and know just how good it is.

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Hello John,

As for the 5"-6" scope, have you considered the Skywatcher Heritage-130 Flextube? I'm about to get one myself. When not in use, just collapse it and it will take much less space in storing. It's a 5" (or 6" as one site cited). Therefore it is very portable and all the reviews and people I asked says it's a good or even great scope for it's size. Heritage is a small dobsonian with a wooden alt/az mount. You may want to check it out,

Good luck in finding a scope! :)


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A 6" F/5 newtonian would work well on the AZ-4 mount if you want to consider alternatives.

If you want to stick to a refractor then I'd also keep an eye out for a Skywatcher ED100. These can be picked out for as little as £250, are lighter than the TAL100's and are virtually free of CA to boot.

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Hello John,

As for the 5"-6" scope, have you considered the Skywatcher Heritage-130 Flextube? I'm about to get one myself. When not in use, just collapse it and it will take much less space in storing. It's a 5" (or 6" as one site cited). Therefore it is very portable and all the reviews and people I asked says it's a good or even great scope for it's size. Heritage is a small dobsonian with a wooden alt/az mount. You may want to check it out,

Good luck in finding a scope! :)


Thanks, this is yet another option I'm looking at for the widefield / DSO scope. I'm currently reading up on equipment reviews for all scopes under consideration and have a few weeks to make up my mind. I'm also borrowing a scope from my astro club so have access to kit until I replace my own stuff.

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A 6" F/5 newtonian would work well on the AZ-4 mount if you want to consider alternatives.

If you want to stick to a refractor then I'd also keep an eye out for a Skywatcher ED100. These can be picked out for as little as £250, are lighter than the TAL100's and are virtually free of CA to boot.

Thanks for the suggestions. I'm currently going through all scope options and reading reviews on SGL and elsewhere. The ED versions of 100mm and 120mm scopes are also an option. I'll do my research now and get the move out of the way so I should be in a position to get the new kit at Astrofest.

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