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Three lunar images of varying detail


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Here's three shots of the moon, via my C8-SCT, of varying detail. Two with the DSLR and one with the Toucam Pro 2 (my first attempt using that). I particularly like the full moon shot, which was taken in very poor seeing (i.e. inside the house, with the scope pointing out the patio doors!) If anyone can tell what the webcam shot shows, please let me know so I can look it up in my moon atlas! :lol:





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I think the third image shows part of the Southern 'shore line' of Oceanus Procellarum and the dark floored crater appearing in the top left corner of the image is Billy.

The attached larger area image should enable you to pin point that covered by your picture. I have orientated the image to match yours with North at the bottom. The 'rayed' crater is of course Kepler.



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