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My first 'proper' eyepiece


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My first proper eyepiece arrived in the post today, a 13mm Ethos bought second hand on eBay. Total impulse purchase, I don't need it but you know it was calling to me.

It's a big so and so, completely dwarfs my 12mm x-cel, but not as heavy as I was expecting so hopefully will be manageable in my dob.

Yet to have first light, fingers crossed for clear skies tonight, but if I like it which one should I go for next? Is this how TV addiction starts?

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Congratulations - a fantastic eyepiece !

See what you think of it - I love them personally but there are a number of folks on here who have concluded that the 100 degree views are not for them.

After the 13mm Ethos I went for the 8mm and then the 6mm.

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I had a 13mm Ethos and it wasnt for me, just way too much TFoV for my taste but everything apart from that was excellent (nearly as good as my Delos! :p ).

Seriously, its a great EP and you'll find that focal length will stay in your focuser for the majority of the night.

Clear skies

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Yeah they are serious money but they make more sense second hand and if I don't like it I'm sure someone will take it off my hands, I now need to start planning other eyepieces rather than my current approach which is a bit random

My plan is a set of eyepieces that are for keeps, as my scopes come and go and improve in quality and speed, I want a set of eyepieces that can keep up.

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Get a really good set of eyepieces and they will last a lifetime as the scopes come and go. Thats been my approach and I've not regretted it to date.

An Ethos can replace more than one eyepiece quite often as they show so much sky. My Ethos 13mm replaced Nagler 16 and 13mm's so the sale of those paid for most of the cost of the Ethos.

I used a spreadsheet based calculator to plan my set and plug in the scope details to get the magnifications / true fields of view / exit pupil size. It does not calculate the total cost of the eyepieces though - that might spoil the fun a bit !

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I don't much like the 13mm, but the 8mm is superb.

Funny enough, for myself Rik, it was the other way around. I find the 13mm stunning in every way but for whatever reason I just didn't warm to the 8mm in the same way. For me, even though the eye relief is quoted at 15mm across the range, it felt shorter than that in practice with the 8mm. I still wouldn't say no to another one in the future though if the opportunity presented itself!

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Well I've had my first session with the ethos and I have to say I'm very very impressed. Crisp and clear, round stars right to the edge and very comfortable to use, will I buy more? Yes but second hand, I paid nearly £200 below new price so if I can buy more at that sort of money I will, not sure I can justify buying new.

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You did well on the price, I think they are worth a bit more S/H and I will pay that. I have to say adverts where people are looking for 80% of new price remain unsold. For Televue i will pay 70% if i want one badly, you look as if you have picked up one for 60% of new. Well done.


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