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M33 over three nights.

Usual setup, HX916 CCD and 10" f4.8 newt .

L = 30 @ 600 seconds

R = 4 @ 1200 seconds

G = 16 @300 seconds

B = 9 @ 360 seconds ( should have been 13 but cloud stopped play)

RGB sub lengths determined by G2V calibration, sub number set to achieve equal total exposure time for RGB subs.

The blue data from tonight was poor compared to the one blue sub I managed to get on the night the Red and green data was collected.

So I might redo that data next good night.



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Thanks again. :smiley:

Great work!

May be a bit color saturation to bring up the blue


Hi Mark, that's about a strong as I like to go with the colour. In fact this is a little stronger than I usually go for.

I find galaxy images with strong colour just don't have a natural feel I like.

I know this colour result is not the norm but it's where the G2V calibrated sub lengths lead me,

I may have a play and try to replicate the sort of colour you usual see in images of this galaxy.


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Mike - I saw the luminance you posted the other night and my first thought was "couldn't he have pushed the data a bit harder"... on seeing the image above I've realised I was completely wrong. Are you going to do a mosaic to capture the whole of M33?


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Another stunning close up galaxy image Mike, 20minute subs with a big newt takes some doing in my opinion and your guiding looks to be spot-on. may I ask you when imaging LRGB through a CLS and OAG, does this not cause you trouble trying to locate a guide star due to the CLS killing the starlight?

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Surreal in its detail. Your image instantly became my favourite image posted by anyone on SGL this year.

Thank you very much. :shocked:

. Are you going to do a mosaic to capture the whole of M33?


I have just started a L run on another frame for what will be a 9 frame mosaic( I hope). :tongue:

may I ask you when imaging LRGB through a CLS and OAG, does this not cause you trouble trying to locate a guide star due to the CLS killing the starlight?

My imaging train is.....CCD/CLS/filter wheel/OAG/MPCC so no filters effect the guide stars.

But I don't think a CLS would make much difference to a guide star, though I could be wrong.


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I managed to catch some more blue subs last night.

This brings the total exposure of the blue data to match the red and green (around 1 hour 20 seconds)

I started the processing again from scratch with an eye to a more traditional colour around the core.

I also payed more attention to the Ha regions for depth, detail and colour.

I am not sure which i prefer but the first one came a lot easier in the processing and there is very little difference between the two. :icon_redface:

Thanks for looking.



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